来源:世界名人书画网 2022-01-26 12:01:01


Promoting exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations -- a special report by Huo zhenfang, a representative Chinese artist


If culture prospers, the country prospers, and if culture is strong, the nation is strong. Contemporary China has magnificent rivers and mountains, heroic people and great prospects. The era has provided an unprecedented broad stage for the prosperity and development of China's literature and art. To promote the prosperity and development of socialist literature and art and build a socialist cultural power, the majority of literary and art workers are duty bound, shoulder the important task and make great achievements.


The majority of literary and artistic workers should enhance their cultural consciousness, strengthen their cultural self-confidence, actively participate in the construction of a socialist cultural power with a strong historical initiative, adhere to the direction of serving the people and socialism, adhere to the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, adhere to creative transformation and innovative development, focus on holding the banner, gathering the hearts of the people, educating new people, rejuvenating culture The mission and task of image exhibition is to show new responsibilities in Bacon's soul casting, achieve new achievements in integrity and innovation, radiate a new style in Mingde self-cultivation, display the new atmosphere of Chinese literature and art with the cultural creation of self-improvement and virtue, and create new brilliance of Chinese culture, so as to achieve the goal of the second century The realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation provides a strong value guidance, cultural cohesion and spiritual driving force.





Chinese calligraphy and painting art inheritance and development, innovation, change concept and practice, research and innovation person, National Cultural Representative

Chinese culture, national culture, inheriting figures and Influencing Contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting

Mr. Huo Zhenfang, a master of Chinese modern and contemporary art schools and a leader in the field of Chinese calligraphy and painting

火真芳先生,女(1935-)字璧如,号贾芬、蘭石斋主,著名国画家,国家一级美术师、国家特级书法师,影响中国当代的书画大家,中国美术家协会副主席(国际),世界艺术家协会副主席,【十大国宝级艺术家】, 共和国十大杰出艺术家,中国当代书画领军人物,(全国500万艺术家中仅选10名),非物质文化遗产·国礼特供艺术家,国宾礼首创艺术家,(全国12689位艺术名家中经初选、复选、终选脱颖而出)。中国书画现当代艺术流派宗师(在世者仅此一位),国际金牌文艺创作人,“新时期最佳文艺创作奖·金奖”暨“最美艺术家”(全国仅8名),荣获中国文化艺术终身成就奖“金羊奖”、“金猴奖”、“金鸡奖”、“金犬奖”四连冠,国家艺术传承贡献奖,中国艺术贡献奖‧终身成就奖,国际金马艺术奖·终身成就奖,2017国际艺术终身成就奖“金鸡奖”,第二届世界文化奖·金奖获得主,“诗坛聖手”,荣获国学最佳创作大赛·金奖、“爱国文学艺术贡献奖”和“爱国文学艺术楷模勋章”(全国共8名)。国学文化大师称号及勋章。荣获中国书画现当代艺术流派宗师称号及白玉印凭和“中国书画现当代艺术流派宗师翰墨艺坛一代开宗独领风骚万世之师白玉台屏及“中国艺聖”额匾和第二届世界文化奖·金奖,入选《世界艺聖》并获世界华人艺术领袖奖,被授予世界华人艺术领袖证书和奖杯,并荣获国内、国际众多名目的金奖、大奖、终身成就奖60余个奖项,28枚勋章,奖章,铭功章,50余个荣誉称号。详见《第一文化频道YY1.抗疫专刊》,《科技创新引领跨越发展2018》、《中国丝绸大红袍·火真芳卷》等。


Mr. Huo Zhenfang, female (1935 -) Bi Ru, No. Jia Fen, LAN Shizhai master, famous Chinese painter, national first-class artist and national super calligrapher, who has influenced contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting, vice president of China Artists Association (International), vice president of World Artists Association, [top ten national treasure artists], top ten outstanding artists of the Republic and leaders of contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting, (only 10 of China's 5 million artists are selected), intangible cultural heritage · special artists for national ceremony, and the first artist of national guest ceremony, (among the 12689 famous artists in China, they stand out after primary selection, selection and final selection). Master of modern and contemporary art schools of Chinese calligraphy and painting (only one living person), international gold medal literary and artistic creator, "best literary and Artistic Creation Award · Gold Award in the new era" and "most beautiful artist" (only 8 in China), won four consecutive titles of "golden sheep Award", "golden monkey Award", "Golden Rooster Award" and "golden dog Award" of lifelong achievement award of Chinese culture and art, and national art inheritance contribution award, Chinese art contribution award · Lifetime Achievement Award, international Golden Horse Art Award · Lifetime Achievement Award, 2017 international art Lifetime Achievement Award "Golden Rooster Award", the winner of the Second World Culture Award · Gold Award, "master of poetry", won the gold award of the best creation competition of Sinology, "patriotic literature and art Contribution Award" and "patriotic literature and art model Medal" (a total of 8 in China). Title and medal of Sinology culture master. It has won the title of master of modern and contemporary art schools of Chinese calligraphy and painting, the white jade seal, the "master of modern and contemporary art schools of Chinese calligraphy and painting, the white jade platform screen, the plaque of" Chinese art saint "and the gold medal of the Second World Culture Award. It has been selected into the world art saint, won the world Chinese art leader award, and was awarded the certificate and trophy of World Chinese art leader, It has won more than 60 gold awards, awards and lifetime achievement awards of many domestic and international projects, 28 medals, medals, Ming merit medals and more than 50 honorary titles. For details, please refer to the first cultural channel YY1. Anti epidemic special issue, scientific and technological innovation leading leapfrog development 2018, China silk Dahongpao · huozhenfang volume, etc.

 In 2021, at the honorary commendation meeting for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, he was selected as the "model of the times", won the "star of the times" medal celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and was honored to be selected into the "model of the times" 3D cloud exhibition hall.




Chinese culture · national cultural heritage figures, national cultural representatives, inheritors of national intangible cultural heritage, inheritors of Chinese quintessence art [top ten national treasure artists], first artists of intangible cultural heritage · state guest ceremony, artists specially provided for state guest ceremony, top ten outstanding artists of the Republic, masters of new Chinese traditional Culture (and medals), national art masters, Patriotic literary and artistic model (and medal), master of modern and contemporary art schools of Chinese calligraphy and painting, leader of Chinese calligraphy and painting art, mainstay of the party, image ambassador of Chinese art circles, national image ambassador, national artists with both morality and art, etc.












Academician of the Chinese Academy of traditional Chinese painting, who was jointly employed by the Chinese Academy of traditional Chinese painting, the Chinese calligraphy and painting magazine, the Chinese calligraphy and painting celebrity Research Association and the Chinese calligraphy artist art creation center as a member of the national calligraphy and painting art creation research expert group and the "title, certificate and medal of top talent in the Chinese art industry" awarded by him, Academician of the Chinese Academy of calligraphy and painting and the "Medal of famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters", master of modern and contemporary art genres of Chinese calligraphy and painting, master of modern and contemporary art genres of Chinese calligraphy and painting, Bai Yutai screen and Bai Yuyin, a generation of leading masters in the calligraphy art world, senior academician of the new Shenzhou Academy of art of the Republic of Singapore, and chief art consultant of China National Calligraphy and painting network, Honorary vice president of China culture and art network, vice president of the people's Academy of painting and calligraphy, and the "Medal of model artist in Chinese painting and calligraphy industry" jointly issued by the people's Academy of painting and calligraphy, China International Academy of painting and calligraphy, China painting and calligraphy magazine and Hong Kong painting and calligraphy magazine, chief artist and director of the Art Committee of China painting and calligraphy yellow page network, and director of the China Federation of culture and art circles, Deputy director of the creation and research center of famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters, honorary president of the Creation Institute of famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters, chief editor of the central literature and Art Publishing House, vice president of the calligraphy and Painting Research Institute of China Poetry Federation, executive vice president of China Academy of fine arts, lifelong honorary president of China Poetry, calligraphy and painting publishing house, and won the "Chinese art saint" (gold lettered plaque) issued by him, Executive vice president of China National Art Research Institute, honorary president of international Xizhi calligraphy and Painting Institute, vice president of International Academy of fine arts and director of Chinese painting professional committee, vice president of international isq9000a calligraphy and painting artist creation research center, vice president of World Chinese Exchange Association, vice president of World Artists Association, World Chinese art leader, Professor of China LiuQian Art Research Institute, Professor of Chinese calligraphy and painting artist creation research center, general art consultant of Art Department of China online education center, etc.

In 2000, it has passed the ISC2000 art quality evaluation of the art quality department of the culture and art talent center of the Ministry of culture of the people's Republic of China.

In 2011, it was honored into the talent pool of the culture and Art Center of the Ministry of culture of China and uploaded on the China culture talent network.

In October 2012, he was honored to be selected into the "outstanding children in the annals of the Republic" written by the editor of China's national history research, and won the award certificate and award speech with the title of "outstanding children in the annals of the Republic, star of the times" and an Chengxin's monograph "and" founder of the national foundation and cornerstone of the national cause ".

The China Federation of literary and art circles and the Organizing Committee of China culture and Art City awarded: the certificate of Chinese famous calligraphers and painters of past dynasties, the certificate of contemporary famous calligraphers and painters of China and Japan, and the medal of famous calligraphers and painters of China and Japan.

China national television, the chief editor's office of China grass-roots party organization construction network and other units awarded medals such as "Republic builder", "Republic meritorious service", "Republic model", helping the Chinese dream - the most beautiful grass-roots role model; And the value evaluation of its works of art by many authoritative units at home and abroad.



Huozhenfang's Chinese flower and bird painting "spring"



Huozhenfang's Chinese flower and bird painting painting "birthday painting"




Huo Zhenfang's Chinese flower and bird painting "Wang Xiang"

Non vegetarian heart, that is, red heart, is a famous scholar and loyal minister. When the fragrance blows, the world is spring.



Huo Zhenfang's Chinese flower and bird painting "Wang Xiang"

Erect the stem head. Fragrance floats all over the world, flowers and leaves dance together, and the east wind is beautiful.


火真芳书法作品 释文:坚持党政军民学,东西南北中,党是领导一切的,坚决拥护党中央权威

Interpretation of huozhenfang's calligraphy works: adhere to the party, government, military and civilian studies. In the East, West, North and south, the party leads everything and firmly supports the authority of the Party Central Committee


火真芳书法作品 释文:盛世华夏金猿献寿,创客中国造福,福寿康宁

Interpretation of huozhenfang's calligraphy works: in the prosperous age, Chinese Golden apes offer longevity, makers benefit China, and have a happy life


火真芳书法作品 释文:领航中国,科学发展

Interpretation of huozhenfang's calligraphy works: leading China and scientific development



Huo Zhenfang's Chinese flower and bird painting Xiongfeng



Huo Zhenfang's Chinese flower and bird painting Song He Yan Nian



Huo Zhenfang's Chinese flower and bird painting art work "national flowers bloom red"


火真芳作品 释文:长城无限

Interpretation of huozhenfang's works: the Great Wall is infinite



Huo Zhenfang's Chinese flower and bird painting the painting of pine and Eagle



Huozhenfang's Chinese flower and bird painting art work "three thousand years of solid peach"



Huozhenfang's Chinese flower and bird painting rich Changchun

2000年和2001年作品 《春色永驻留》、《大吉祥和春来早》被中华当代书画艺术名人评委会收藏;


Collected works:

In 1999, Wang Xiang, a collection of the poems of Republic of Singapore, was collected by the new Shenzhou Art Institute in Taiwan, and exhibited in Southeast Asia and China and China.

In 2000, the work "the green river is also warm in the spring" was exhibited in the China Art Museum and incorporated into the "Centennial Classics - complete works of Chinese art", which was collected by the Chinese national calligraphy and painting long volume boutique of the 20th century in China and exhibited for a long time in the Chinese national calligraphy and painting long volume boutique of the 20th century specially built in the Chinese culture and art city;

In 1993, the 2013 works "Xiongfeng" and "Eagle" were collected by the Organizing Committee of the Chinese calligraphy and painting exhibition commemorating the 100th and 110th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's birth;

In 1997, the work "double wild geese are affectionate, the water is warm, and China is a unified country" was exchanged with Jiangxi elderly calligraphy and Painting Association on behalf of Jiangsu elderly calligraphy and Painting Association in the joint exhibition of elderly calligraphy and painting in six provinces of East China;

In 1998, Lu Yan was collected by Jinghai Temple Memorial Hall of Nanjing Treaty;

In 2000 and 2001, his works "eternal presence of spring" and "good luck and early spring" were collected by the celebrity jury of Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting art;

In 2001, Song He Yan Nian was collected by 100 outstanding Chinese art painters and 100 outstanding Chinese calligraphers in the Organizing Committee of Seoul work exhibition, South Korea;

In 2003, his works Song He Yan Nian (Shi Qingse song) were collected by the world Chinese exchange center and the world culture and art research center;

In January 2013, the calligraphy works "piloting China's scientific development" and "piloting China to create brilliance" were collected by the Organizing Committee of the 18th National Congress of the CPC and won the "best congratulation Gold Award of the 18th National Congress of the CPC".

In 2018, calligraphy works "take-off", Chinese paintings "national beauty and heavenly fragrance" and "great achievements" were selected into Jingdezhen national ceremony porcelain tea sets, burned into national ceremony, and presented to embassies and foreign guests in China by the state.



Art review:

CCTV儒翰先生撰写的《国画的传承与发展》国韵匠心—走进火真芳的艺术世界重磅评论一文中摘要指出:当今中国书画发展,一直寻求创新,既追求笔墨的骨法用笔、气韵生动,又要追求笔墨的时代印象,同时还要把中国画的意境推向民族精神和时代风貌。火真芳先生以较大的精力汲取传统历代花鸟名家的绘画精髓,弘扬与传承古代艺术精华,古为今用,西为中用,紧扣时代脉搏创新,提升艺术修养和现代审美情趣等为目标。她深入现实生活学习多学科知识,不断追逐新的体验、新的认识,用现代美学观点不断开阔艺术视野、丰富艺术思想、锤炼艺术功力。无论在画面的气势营造,还是笔墨的经营和作品的内涵,无不是心与物的交融!这也是火真芳先生的审美感悟和毕生追求的艺术和不忘初心、不辱使命、全心全意为人民服务的思想和精神境界的体现。利用当代的审美视觉,将中国画的意境、神韵、色调表现得淋漓尽致。火真芳先生在传统笔墨的基础上结合现代绘画审美的构成, 遵循了自然与写意相互统一,意在营造一种充满骨法用笔、气韵生动,画风朴拙的格调和气氛。努力树立自己独特的艺术语言,使其作品极具中华民族文化复兴内涵的现代气息。

In the article "inheritance and development of traditional Chinese painting" written by Mr. Ruhan of CCTV, national charm ingenuity - entering the art world of huozhenfang, it is summarized that the development of Chinese calligraphy and painting has always sought innovation, not only pursuing the bone skill of pen and ink, vivid charm, but also pursuing the impression of the times, but also promoting the artistic conception of Chinese painting to the national spirit and the style of the times. Mr. Huo Zhen Fang has absorbed the essence of painting of traditional flower and bird famous scholars with great energy, and promoted and inherited the essence of ancient art, making the past serve the present, serving the West with Chinese, and keeping pace with the pulse of the times, improving artistic accomplishment and modern aesthetic taste. She goes deep into real life, learns multi-disciplinary knowledge, constantly pursues new experiences and new understandings, and constantly broadens her artistic vision, enriches her artistic thoughts and cultivates her artistic skills from the perspective of modern aesthetics. No matter in the momentum construction of the picture, the management of pen and ink and the connotation of the work, it is the blending of heart and things! This is also the embodiment of Mr. Huo Zhenfang's aesthetic perception, his lifelong pursuit of art and his ideological and spiritual realm of never forgetting his original heart, fulfilling his mission and serving the people wholeheartedly. Using contemporary aesthetic vision, the artistic conception, charm and tone of Chinese painting are expressed incisively and vividly. On the basis of traditional pen and ink, Mr. huozhenfang combines the aesthetic composition of modern painting, follows the unity of nature and freehand brushwork, and aims to create a style and atmosphere full of bone skills, vivid charm and simple style. Strive to establish their own unique artistic language, so that their works have the modern flavor of the connotation of the rejuvenation of Chinese culture.

书画兼修是我们传统艺术中的一个优良传统,关系非常密切。除了花鸟画,火真芳先生的书法也极见传统的功力,篆书形态入神而飘逸,极具秀丽超逸之美。我们知道,一幅优秀的书法作品,不但要求具有使人眼睛一亮的外在的形态结构,在表现形式上,讲究点画丰富而精妙的变化,美在线条鲜活而灵动的神韵,美在架构端庄而大方的气势,美在布局严谨而精深的法度。 火真芳先生在书法理论与实践上成果颇丰,她的书法作品中都承载着厚重的中国传统文化内涵,弥漫着浓郁的书卷气。火真芳先生创作书法时先思考传统笔墨的理法;常常在灵中求变,追求传统的笔墨文化与现代审美之间的平衡。注重线条质感与形态的变化,在继承传统的基础上承古纳新,出新意于法度之中,寄妙理于豪放之外,意随心到,笔随意动;使之形成不可分割的整体。她的篆书不仅让人感受到对传统的理解和诠释,而且对文化的时代性、民族性及书法特性的深切感悟。火真芳先生的书法除了意象之外,还讲究书法的形态,于传统中求其变,使整篇字不失古法而又具有新意,流荡于其中的风骨、神韵、飘逸与情感,使字里行间涌动着强大的生命力,呈现出诗书气质,风韵儒雅的抒情特征!能够让观者从沉静的结构中看出意态飞扬的艺术境界。

Calligraphy and painting is a fine tradition in our traditional art, which is closely related. In addition to flower and bird painting, Mr. huozhenfang's calligraphy also shows traditional skills. The form of seal script is fascinating and elegant, with great beauty and transcendence. We know that an excellent calligraphy work requires not only the external form structure that brightens people's eyes, but also the rich and exquisite changes of stippling in the form of expression, the vivid and flexible charm of beauty line, the dignified and generous momentum of structure, and the rigorous and profound method of layout. Mr. Huo Zhenfang has made great achievements in calligraphy theory and practice. Her calligraphy works carry the profound connotation of Chinese traditional culture and are filled with strong bookish spirit. When Mr. Huo Zhenfang created calligraphy, he first thought about the principles and methods of traditional pen and ink; Often seek change in spirit and pursue the balance between traditional pen and ink culture and modern aesthetics. Pay attention to the changes of line texture and shape, inherit the past and accept the new on the basis of inheriting the tradition, put new ideas in the Dharma, send wonderful theories outside the bold and unrestrained, follow your heart and move your pen with your will; Make it an indivisible whole. Her seal script not only makes people feel the understanding and interpretation of tradition, but also has a deep understanding of the times, nationality and calligraphy characteristics of culture. In addition to the image, Mr. huozhenfang's calligraphy also pays attention to the form of calligraphy and seeks its change in the tradition, so that the whole word does not lose the ancient method but has new ideas. The character, charm, elegance and emotion wandering in it makes the lines surge with strong vitality, showing the Lyric characteristics of poetic temperament, elegant charm and elegance! It can let the viewer see the artistic realm of flying mood from the quiet structure.


Excellent calligraphy and painting works can generally well show the social style and humanistic feelings, so they have its historical positioning and social value. The most basic value of calligraphy and painting works is its own cultural connotation, including artistic value, historical value and aesthetic value. This is an ontological value that first appeared in calligraphy and painting. It is created through the study of artistic creation, the discovery of natural beauty, the study of artistic ideas, the absorption of traditional culture, modern humanities and aesthetic views, the exploration of expression language and the honing of relevant skills. Mr. Huo Zhenfang's works have been inherited and carried forward. His landscape painting has injected his soul. With a deep traditional foundation and a distinctive modern aesthetic style in the new era, he has created a new height and new consciousness of modern art. The unique historical inheritance, artistic innovation and era culture in Mr. huozhenfang's works will be further recognized.


Art is always the development and reconstruction of the tradition. Only on the premise of respecting the essence of Chinese calligraphy and painting, can modern Chinese calligraphy and painting talk about development, inheritance and change. This requires us to reconstruct the traditional language form and structure of Chinese painting, project the traditional pen and ink language to the current level, make it modern, fully express the modern consciousness and spiritual content in the form of freehand language of Chinese painting, and unify the form and content on a higher basis, which are reflected in Mr. Huo Zhenfang's calligraphy and painting works, Its market prospect is considerable.


The top of Oriental Art · six famous artists of Chinese calligraphy and painting commented that your work not only inherits the fine tradition of national art, but also contains personal feelings, thoughts and feelings, so that the quintessence art presents a fresh form, strong vitality and charm of the times, and has high academic value, inheritance and promotion value and industrial value.

美国全球文学艺术名家交流协会评论称:您的艺术作品,凤格独特,功力深厚,在继承传统中博取众长,推陈出新,重精神与气韵,能够与时代产生共鸣,作品既扎根于书画艺术的传统与严谨之中,又赋予时代的气息与使命,意态潇洒,风格高雅... ...。

The American Global Association for the exchange of literary and artistic masters commented that your works of art have unique Phoenix style and profound skills. They have won many advantages in inheriting the tradition, pushed through the old and brought forth the new, attached importance to spirit and charm, and can resonate with the times. Your works are not only rooted in the tradition and rigor of calligraphy and painting art, but also endowed with the breath and mission of the times. They are natural and unrestrained and elegant.


The book "national cultural heritage figures · Huo Zhenfang special issue" commented: "Mr. Huo Zhenfang is a great master of Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting. Her great achievements in the field of calligraphy and painting creation are remarkable and far-reaching. She is good at integrating the color application of Western painting with the performance of Chinese traditional content, which complement each other. Her painting style is unique, ambitious, dignified and majestic.


Comment on "China collection art": Mr. Huo Zhen Fang has created more than ten Chinese paintings, inheriting the essence of traditional art, and combining with the development of the times. His profound artistic accomplishments are based on respecting the essence of China's calligraphy and painting, projecting the traditional pen and ink language to the current art level, and keeping pace with the new China's pulse innovation. Fully express the consciousness and spiritual content of the new era in the form of Chinese freehand brushwork language, open their own face according to the rules of the ancients, make the past serve the present and the West serve the Chinese, so as to unify the form and content on a higher basis. It has created a great breakthrough in Contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting, and developed the creativity and innovation of how to develop, inherit and change contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting.


The Yearbook of the people's Republic of China 2020 commented: Huo Zhenfang: he loved calligraphy and painting since childhood and developed Chinese painting after the age of 55. He is a well-established calligrapher and painter and has made certain achievements in the field of Chinese calligraphy and painting culture and art. She is knowledgeable, modest and implicit, and adheres to the original as the basis, so as to realize the lofty intention of artistic works, vivid charm, unity of form and spirit and unity of image. She adheres to the people-centered creative orientation, so that artistic works can not only present the fresh form of overseas art, but also lead people to forge ahead.

火真芳深刻的体会到:艺术家为达到上述境界,就要不断地深入生活,深入自然,读万卷书,行万里路,积累创作素材。她注意自然与写意相统一,即意与象的统一,主观意识与客观历史及事物存在相统一,选材必须与立意相统一,并处理好构图中各种对立关系的统一,使其充分表达物象的质感和主题立意相统一。注意将践行弘扬国粹艺术继承传统艺术精华,以古人之规矩,开自己之生面与紧扣新时代审美意识的脉搏创新,变革相统一。将传统的笔墨语言提升到现在的层面,新时代的精神 ,思想意识,古为今用,西为中用,推陈出新。她认为一定要做到立意在先。在创作选材时,她注重意与象的统一,主观与客观的统一,构图中各种对立关系的统一,使作品充分体现所表达物象的质感。同时她积极弘扬国粹艺术,继承传统艺术精华,以古人之规矩开自己之生面。她认为一定要做到立意在先(后续的造型、构图、笔墨色彩运用、气势营造……都要附合主题立意的要求,与主题中的立意相统一),才能创作出有情感、有温度、气韵生动、引人入胜,具有民族风格的中国书画艺术作品。使人们在欣赏艺术的同时,享受到精神的愉悦,启迪思想,陶冶心灵。

Huozhenfang deeply realized that in order to achieve the above-mentioned realm, artists must constantly go deep into life, nature, read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles and accumulate creative materials. In the selection of creative materials, she pays attention to the unity of meaning and image, the unity of subjective and objective, and the unity of various opposition relations in the composition, so that the works fully reflect the texture of the expressed images. At the same time, she actively carries forward the art of quintessence of Chinese culture, inherits the essence of traditional art, and opens her own face with the rules of the ancients. She believes that we must have the first intention (the subsequent modeling, composition, application of pen and ink color and momentum construction... Must meet the requirements of the theme intention and be unified with the intention in the theme) in order to create Chinese calligraphy and painting works with emotion, temperature, vivid charm, fascinating and ethnic style. So that people can enjoy the spiritual pleasure, enlighten their thoughts and cultivate their hearts while appreciating art.


After decades of research and innovation and precipitation, huozhenfang has been recognized by the industry and media at home and abroad, and has won numerous awards. He has been awarded the title of master of calligraphy and painting art that has influenced contemporary China.


Forbes, the world's art figure, commented that China's calligraphy and painting were more than ten years old. China has inherited the essence of traditional art and combined with the development and innovation of the times. Its profound artistic attainments lie in respecting the essence of Chinese painting and calligraphy, giving full expression to the new era consciousness and spiritual content in the traditional pen and ink forms, and opening up their faces with the rules of the ancients. The past serves the present and the West serves the Chinese. Make the form and content unified on a higher basis. It has created a great breakthrough in Contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting, and developed the creativity and innovation of how to develop, inherit and change contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting. It has opened up a way forward for the development direction of China's advanced calligraphy and painting.