来源:世界名人书画网 2022-04-13 15:04:39
Promoting exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations -- a special report by Deng Yuping, a representative Chinese artist
If culture prospers, the country prospers, and if culture is strong, the nation is strong. Contemporary China has magnificent rivers and mountains, heroic people and great prospects. The era has provided an unprecedented broad stage for the prosperity and development of China's literature and art. To promote the prosperity and development of socialist literature and art and build a socialist cultural power, the majority of literary and art workers are duty bound, shoulder the important task and make great achievements.
The majority of literary and artistic workers should enhance their cultural consciousness, strengthen their cultural self-confidence, actively participate in the construction of a socialist cultural power with a strong historical initiative, adhere to the direction of serving the people and socialism, adhere to the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, adhere to creative transformation and innovative development, focus on holding the banner, gathering the hearts of the people, educating new people, rejuvenating culture The mission and task of image exhibition is to show new responsibilities in Bacon's soul casting, achieve new achievements in integrity and innovation, radiate a new style in Mingde self-cultivation, display the new atmosphere of Chinese literature and art with the cultural
邓玉平,中共党员,1937年出生于湖南双峰书香门第。9岁开始临帖,父辈的严格要求,家庭文化环境的熏陶,使他对祖国传统文化有了浓厚兴趣和执着追求。多年来获奖无数。书法家屈德馨、林承芳、诗词家孙遇宜、阳德麟等先生都有精当评论:《中华瑰宝》编委会和中书研相关领导题写的长篇评论《洞庭风骨湘水才情一艺坛巨匠邓玉平》,江继良先生的《逐本求源的书法磨砺一邓玉平作品欣赏》和史峰先生的专评《尚古求法琢秦汉,法度严谨书真法一记著名书法家邓玉平》全面深刻,更有代表性。2019年庆祝新中国成立70周年,世界华人楷模协会评定袁隆平,郎平,邓玉平,任正非,叶嘉莹,丘成桐六位为华人楷模,颁发荣誉证书,编印《华人楷模-引颁世界》专集。2020年,中国政企艺术品采购大联盟专家组欧阳中石、任正非推荐任命他为副主席(主席:任正非),中意建交五十周年组委会特授予杨振宁、柳传志、邓玉平、袁隆平为形象大使(中方)。2020年,他的作品入编《献礼故宫建成六百周年当代书法十大名人特刊》,组委会授予他“中国文化-百年巨匠”荣誉称号。沈鹏老先生点评:邓玉平书法非同一般。其作品雍容大器,古朴隽永,气势磅礴,意蕴悠长,显示出其娴熟的艺术功底,具备很高的艺术品味。在民间有此大成者实属罕见!注定是中国书法艺术史上独树一帜的一面旗帜。并签发聘书,邀请邓玉平为沈鹏书法艺术工作室专家组高级理事(任期五年)。又:由于他有着良好的书写素质和文字功夫,艺术的互为补偿,互为借用,互为促进,可谓落笔生花,墨趣横生。邓玉平的书法标新立异、匠心独具、多变灵活、浑厚有力、给我留下深刻印象。他的作品充分体现汉字本身美的素质,合乎平整、匀称、飞动,性灵等原则要求,其作品有势、有气、有韵,灵动之中加之有节奏的变化,笔墨豪放,典雅飘逸。他的书法作品章法善于布置,多变灵活,疏密有致,顾盼生姿,洒脱流畅。书写中通过不同的线条交织变化和走势,增强了作品的妙趣和艺术感染力。书法作品柔中有刚,秀中见奇,可谓笔墨神韵,给读者强烈的艺术感染力,已达到雅俗共赏的效果,显示出他本人的道德修养和艺术修养。书法继承难,创新更难,在创新之中形成自己的个性和风格难上加难。而书法只有创新才能发展,也只有创新才是书法发展的目的。邓玉平的书法作品借古人之本,又有自己的个性追求,学古而不泥古,是一位难得的艺术人才。欧阳中石老先生点评:邓玉平先生根植基层,先前早已熟知。先生其书法作品,用笔巧妙,聚灵动与和谐于一体,体现了“大秀、大雅、大气、大美”之风,线条流畅纵情,具有极高的审美价值,颇为当代大家。挥笔大方,可谓上乘之作。其艺术造诣,不仅汲取了传统理论和实践精华,更自创出属于自己的风格,无愧于国礼艺术家!蔡武老先生撰写的获奖人邓玉平颁奖词:作为享誉中国的基层艺术家,你对书法艺术的执着追求和顽强的拼搏精神,演绎了精彩的艺术人生,在艺术界展现出中国书法人的形象,为世界打开了一扇了解中国文化的窗口;作为公众人物,你对祖国的情感和对社会的爱心影响着他人,在最需要的时候鼓舞着人们的信心,传递着人与人之间的温情。屈德馨先生在《评邓玉平先生的书法艺术》中写道:“他的书法显著特征之一是’正统’。积学致远,道技并融。字如其人,不伪装,不作秀。书法是一门受文字制约的线条艺术。他充分尊重这一规则,认真钻研,得其要领;故结字皆为有源之水有根之木,为表情达意打下了坚实的认知基础。而又以用笔为上,每字力求形神兼备,彰显意蕴情趣,他师古而不囿于古,追古而不逐流。学习传统精华,潜心揣摩领悟,注入自我的审美理想,再加以提炼,使之升华而成的特色独具的技巧。七十年孜孜不倦,终于成就了他炉火纯青的书法艺术。”为庆祝中国共产党建成一百周年,“振兴中国文化品牌强国工程”办公室颁发荣誉证书,授予邓玉平与孙晓云、张艺谋、莫言等十人一并成为首批中国文化品牌人物,授予“文化功勋人物”奖章。盛世迎春工作组授予钟南山、郎平、雷平、杨利伟、莫言、任正非、邓玉平等七人为“ 新中国特色社会主义思想·新马克思主义”领军人物,颁发荣誉证书,出版《盛世迎春-闪耀七星》专集。沈鹏、欧阳中石、邓玉平三人的书法作品入选《大家名家-百年国瓷》献礼建党100周年活动,颁发“大家名家·百年国瓷”国礼艺术大师荣誉证书。《中国艺术百年巨匠》孙晓云、邓玉平书法二人集、《精湛艺术献给党》范迪安、邓玉平书画二人集相继出版。《魅力河山-大国工匠一中国当代著名艺术家邓玉平》《书香笔墨·经典传承一著名艺术家邓玉平》《领航中国-当代艺术卷》《2021年重点推荐最具收藏价值书法名家》十余种。从7月3日起,邓玉平日夜奋战至6日晚10时将习主席7月1日的重要讲话全文创作成高0.85米长23米多的书法巨制。
Deng Yuping, a member of the Communist Party of China, was born in Shuangfeng, Hunan in 1937. He started to post at the age of 9. The strict requirements of his parents and the influence of family cultural environment made him have a strong interest in and persistent pursuit of the traditional culture of the motherland. Numerous awards over the years. Calligraphers Qu Dexin, Lin Chengfang, poets Sun Yuyi, Yang Delin, etc. have all made excellent comments: The editorial committee of "Treasures of China" and the relevant leaders of the Zhongshu Research Institute wrote a long comment "Dongting Style, Xiangshui Talents, One Art Master Deng Yuping", Mr. Jiang Jiliang's "Seeking the Source of Calligraphy by Books - Appreciation of Deng Yuping's Works" and Mr. Shi Feng's special comment "Shang ancient times, seeking methods to cut through the Qin and Han Dynasties, and rigorous calligraphy and calligraphy - a famous calligrapher Deng Yuping" are comprehensive, profound and more representative. To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 2019, the World Chinese Model Association rated Yuan Longping, Lang Ping, Deng Yuping, Ren Zhengfei, Ye Jiaying, and Qiu Chengtong as Chinese role models, issued honorary certificates, and compiled and printed the album "Chinese Role Models - Citing the World". In 2020, Ouyang Zhongshi and Ren Zhengfei, the expert group of China Government-Enterprise Art Procurement Alliance, recommended him to be appointed as vice chairman (Chairman: Ren Zhengfei). China). In 2020, his works were included in the "Top Ten Celebrities of Contemporary Calligraphy Special Issue for the 600th Anniversary of the Forbidden City", and the organizing committee awarded him the honorary title of "Chinese Culture - Centennial Master". Comments from Mr. Shen Peng: Deng Yuping's calligraphy is extraordinary. His works are graceful and grand, simple and timeless, majestic and long-lasting, showing his skilled artistic skills and high artistic taste. It is rare among the people to have such a mastery! It is destined to be a unique banner in the history of Chinese calligraphy art. And issued a letter of appointment, inviting Deng Yuping to be the senior director of the expert group of Shen Peng's calligraphy art studio (for a term of five years). Also: Because of his good writing quality and writing skills, art complements each other, borrows from each other, and promotes each other. Deng Yuping's calligraphy is unconventional, ingenious, flexible, powerful, and impresses me deeply. His works fully reflect the beauty of Chinese characters themselves, and conform to the principles of smoothness, symmetry, flying, and spirituality. His works are powerful, energetic, and rhythmic, with rhythmic changes added to the agility. The brush and ink are bold, elegant and elegant. His calligraphy works are good at arrangement, changeable and flexible, dense and dense, looking forward to the appearance, and the wine is smooth. Through the interweaving changes and trends of different lines in the writing, the wit and artistic appeal of the works are enhanced. The calligraphy works are soft and strong, and the show is strange, which can be described as the charm of brush and ink, which gives readers a strong artistic appeal, which has achieved the effect of both elegant and popular, showing his own moral and artistic accomplishment. It is difficult to inherit calligraphy, even more difficult to innovate, and it is even more difficult to form one's own personality and style in the process of innovation. And only innovation can develop calligraphy, and only innovation is the purpose of calligraphy development. Deng Yuping's calligraphy works are based on the ancients, and he has his own individual pursuit. Comments from Mr. Ouyang Zhongshi: Mr. Deng Yuping is rooted in the grassroots and has long been familiar with it. Mr.'s calligraphy works, with clever brushwork, agility and harmony, reflect the style of "big show, elegance, atmosphere, and beauty". The lines are smooth and indulgent, with high aesthetic value, and they are quite contemporary. Generous strokes, can be described as a superior work. His artistic accomplishments not only draw on the essence of traditional theory and practice, but also create his own style, which is worthy of a national ceremony artist! Mr. Cai Wu wrote the award-winning speech of the winner Deng Yuping: As a well-known grass-roots artist in China, what do you think about calligraphy? The persistent pursuit of art and the tenacious fighting spirit have deduced a wonderful artistic life, displayed the image of Chinese calligraphers in the art world, and opened a window to the world to understand Chinese culture; as a public figure, your feelings for the motherland and The love for society affects others, inspires people's confidence when they need it most, and conveys the warmth between people. Mr. Qu Dexin wrote in "Comment on Mr. Deng Yuping's Calligraphy Art": "One of the distinguishing features of his calligraphy is 'orthodox'. Accumulates knowledge to achieve far-reaching, and integrates Taoism and skills. Characters are like people, not pretending, not showing off. Calligraphy is a unique It is a line art that is restricted by words. He fully respects this rule, studies it carefully, and obtains its essentials; therefore, the knots are all trees with water and roots, which lays a solid cognitive foundation for expressing expressions. With the pen as the top, every word strives to have both form and spirit, and shows the meaning and interest. He learns from the ancients without being confined to the ancients, and pursues the ancients without following the trend. He learns the essence of tradition, concentrates on comprehension, injects his own aesthetic ideals, and refines them. It is a unique skill that sublimates it. Seventy years of tireless efforts have finally achieved his consummate calligraphy art." To celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Office of "Revitalizing Chinese Cultural Brands and Powering the Country" issued a certificate of honor, conferred Deng Yuping, Sun Xiaoyun, Zhang Yimou, Mo Yan and other ten people became the first batch of Chinese cultural brand figures and was awarded the "Cultural Meritorious Figures" medal. The prosperous Spring Festival Working Group awarded Zhong Nanshan, Lang Ping, Lei Ping, Yang Liwei, Mo Yan, Ren Zhengfei, and Deng Yuping as the leaders of "Socialist Thought with New Chinese Characteristics and New Marxism", issued honorary certificates, and published "The Prosperous Spring - Shining Seven Stars" Special collection. The calligraphy works of Shen Peng, Ouyang Zhongshi and Deng Yuping were selected into the "Famous Masters - Centennial National Porcelain" event to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, and awarded the honorary certificate of "Famous Masters - Centennial National Porcelain" national gift art master. Sun Xiaoyun and Deng Yuping's Calligraphy Collection of Centennial Masters of Chinese Art, Fan Di'an and Deng Yuping's Calligraphy and Painting Collection of "Exquisite Art Dedicated to the Party" have been published successively. There are more than ten kinds of "Charming Rivers and Mountains - Craftsman of Great Country - Famous Contemporary Chinese Artist Deng Yuping", "Book and Ink - Classic Inheritance - Famous Artist Deng Yuping", "Navigating China - Contemporary Art Volume", and "2021 Key Recommendations for the Most Collectable Calligraphy Masters". From July 3rd, Deng Yuping fought day and night until 10 p.m. on the 6th to create the full text of President Xi's important speech on July 1st into a giant calligraphy system with a height of 0.85 meters and a length of more than 23 meters.
Mr. Deng Yuping said: In the future, he will continue to work hard to create more good works to repay the dear motherland, repay this great era, and repay everyone who cares, supports and helps him.