来源:本站 2022-05-24 10:05:06


吐尔逊阿比孜,男,维吾尔族,青年民族画家,新疆石河子人。获全国百名最美志愿者,首届感动中国文化人物,当代道德模范人物等称号。 肢体四级残疾,毕业于新疆艺术学院。中国文联文艺研修院苐7期全国少数民族文艺骨干研修学员,系中国文化企业促进会会员,中国美术家协会兵团分会会员,石河子市美术家协会理事,石河子美术馆第一届理事会理事,石河子书画院特聘院外画家,兵团志愿服务联合会会员,石河子青年志愿者协会会员,石河子一家亲志愿者协会创始人兼会长。

Turxun Abiz, male, Uygur, young ethnic painter, Xinjiang Shihezi people.Won the title of 100 most beautiful volunteers, the first touched Chinese cultural figure, contemporary moral model figure and so on.Developmental level 4 disability, graduated from Xinjiang Art University.China federation of literature and art research institute 7 national minority art backbone trainees, is a member for the promotion of the Chinese culture enterprises, Chinese artists association corps branch member, Shihezi artists association director, Shihezi museum first council director, Shihezi painting distinguished outside the painter, corps volunteer federation member, Shihezi youth volunteer association member, box family volunteers association founder and President.





During my study in Xinjiang Art Institute, I was taught by the famous painter Kaziniimai. My works "Xinjiang People" were collected in Japan, and I participated in the solo exhibition of World Expo 999, In 2016, he went to Liaoning to participate in the Huazhang Creation project of Xinjiang Corps and as a representative to Beijing to participate in the National Museum art exhibition. His works have participated in provincial and municipal art exhibitions for many times, To Beijing in 2018, sponsored by the Chinese federation of the national minority art backbone study, slightly compiled into the "Chinese literature and art world celebrity, the world artist celebrity, the Chinese artists, the twentieth century famous Chinese folk celebrity, the Chinese contemporary artists celebrity dictionary, the Chinese contemporary calligraphy art poetry dictionary" the pride of the people "the corps of reform and opening up 40 years" in the 21st century talent pool dictionary.And it was introduced by CCTV, Corps TV, Shihezi news media, and many works were collected by friends at home and abroad. Since 2018, the establishment of Shihezi Family Volunteer Association has carried out hundreds of public welfare activities, which has been widely praised by the society.