来源:世界名人书画网 2022-06-07 15:06:44



Xu Kaixin, formerly named Xu Gaoxin, male, born in Putian, Fujian Province in 1972, Fujian Province, is a member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Chinese Artists and Painters Association, member of Chinese Calligraphy and Calligraphy Photographers Association, director of Shishi Artists Association, member of Shishi Calligraphers Association


Good at flower-and-bird painting, lotus, has systematically learned flower-and-bird painting, landscape painting, still life oil painting, in the traditional painting, learn to absorb, constantly explore new and change, gradually develop their own artistic style, artistic concept, the pursuit of higher and farther.







2016年参加首届中粮“长城杯”全国诗书画作品展荣获一等奖。 《源遠流长》作品喜获中国美术名家优秀奖。





In 2000, the Chinese painting work "Full of vitality" was selected into the Art and calligraphy Exhibition held by the Fujian Provincial Art Association, and was selected into the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Press "Sun Stone Art and Calligraphy Works Collection", In 2011, the traditional Chinese painting work "Autumn Color in the Mountain" was selected into the 15th East Wave Exhibition of the Provincial Artists Association. In 2012, the traditional Chinese painting work "Mountain Residence Map" was selected into the Provincial Artists Association Exhibition and won the second prize. In 2013, two works were selected into the Excellence award of the fourth China Coal Mine Art Festival. In 2014, the traditional Chinese painting works were selected into the 17th East Ocean Wave Exhibition of the Artists Association, In 2015, his works were selected in the second Light of China National Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. In 2016, he won the first prize in the first COFCO "Great Wall Cup" National Poetry and Calligraphy Exhibition."A Long History" works won the excellence award of Chinese art masters. 2016 National Fine Art Exhibition Gold Award! In 2019, Chinese painting won the Excellence award of the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China held by CCTV Education Channel), In 2021, the Chinese painting Sunrise East won the excellence award in the Art Exhibition of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party held by Fujian Art Association. In 2022, the traditional Chinese painting work "Landscape with Clear Sound" won the China Education Television splash-ink Chinese Love National Art Exhibition Excellence Award.


Collection contact number: 13506936023





