来源:世界名人书画网 2023-11-09 15:11:58
Promoting exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations -- a special report by Chen Naideng, a representative Chinese artist
If culture prospers, the country prospers, and if culture is strong, the nation is strong. Contemporary China has magnificent rivers and mountains, heroic people and great prospects. The era has provided an unprecedented broad stage for the prosperity and development of China's literature and art. To promote the prosperity and development of socialist literature and art and build a socialist cultural power, the majority of literary and art workers are duty bound, shoulder the important task and make great achievements.
The majority of literary and artistic workers should enhance their cultural consciousness, strengthen their cultural self-confidence, actively participate in the construction of a socialist cultural power with a strong historical initiative, adhere to the direction of serving the people and socialism, adhere to the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, adhere to creative transformation and innovative development, focus on holding the banner, gathering the hearts of the people, educating new people, rejuvenating culture The mission and task of image exhibition is to show new responsibilities in Bacon's soul casting, achieve new achievements in integrity and innovation, radiate a new style in Mingde self-cultivation, display the new atmosphere of Chinese literature and art with the cultural
陈乃登,1944年生,瑞安塘下人。曾任塘下镇新方村党支部书记。瑞安市诗词楹联学会会员。已出版《归农集》等。鹰 缘漠漠云天下,翱翔万里程。高眈鹰眼疾,搏击迅雷惊。狐鼠行踪绝,虺蛇匿迹清。童心曾失落,老朽续豪情。喜看奥运半月荧屏未肯离,欣看健将摘金时。须知台上功全满,汗血凝成志不移。龙泉宝剑龙泉宝剑名天下,百炼千锤磨砺精。须记当年欧冶子,炉膛烈火舍身成。咏 松雨露润滋萌绿针,风霜冰雪育千寻。不同脂粉争颜色,骨格清高颂古今。太湖源天目峰峦千仞续,太湖源远群山绿。藏龙卧虎纳珍奇,白浪翻花溪水曲。武夷山百姓论坛作伴游百姓论坛会感赋夷市论坛百姓欣, 神州两岸一家亲。丝绸带路同携手, 争做今朝爱国人。咏大红袍茶悬念红袍何处妍?双峰夹峙巨岩边。经年累月珍岚伴,老干新枝返自然。游黄山秋高气爽访名山,万壑千崖只等闲。怪石峥嵘呈峻貌,奇松积翠展欢颜。莲花顶上冲霄汉,鳌岭洞中藏险关。造化神奇冠五岳,无穷遐想荡胸间。庆贺共和国诞辰六十周年华诞迎来六十秋,中华儿女竞风流。珠峰顶上红旗展,沧海波中足迹留。科学求精争鼎立,苍穹探秘任悠游。东方红日腾空上,万丈霞光耀九州。贺如皋陈氏宗祠落成东瓯理学止斋名,乔木千枝一树生。八百年前忧礼仪,两番祠内见忠贞。始迁先祖奠基苦,裔胄贤孙圆梦成。共沐承平为报本,同尝祭酒慰精诚。 与树森成钦驱车游中雁中雁原藏白石间,峰奇水漈绽欢颜。龙须鬼斧双流涌,龙尾神功八折弯。托塔天王聚霄汉,传经道观返人寰。踏青方觉春光早,萌发枝头绿染山。游三峡感赋高峡平湖早欲游,襄王神女意悠悠。船随山转千峰现,景对人来万象搜。雨足岗峦披黛帽,晴柔壑谷复回眸。斜阳晚照应珍惜,智水仁山春复秋。山海关怀古虎踞咽喉第一关,衔山镇海靖凶顽。孟姜悲恸长城倒,魏武鞭挥竭石还。哈赤猖狂伤性命,吴奴屈辱为红颜。雄关不及人关险,痛忆当年血泪斑。南浔探古南浔古镇早闻名,赢得游人怀旧情。懿德堂求仁孝永,家祠户对善行诚。三生万卷藏书乐,一字千金边界明。风物长宜施慧眼,星移斗转见精英。瑞中采风感赋校庆迎来双甲子,心仪祝贺激情稠。常怀赍志丹山远,自愧衰颜垂暮羞。辍学只因多事故,无功总觉少良谋。如烟往事休追忆,翰墨诗书娱白头。抗战胜利七十周年纪念驱倭胜利七旬年,往事如潮犹愤然。东亚共荣编鬼话,卢沟嫁祸起烽烟。南京顿化人间狱,重庆沦为苦海天。血泪八年谁作孽,同仇敌忾镇魔癫。凭吊太白墓久慕青莲太白仙,今朝凭吊墓陵前。碑林旧刻载诗史,祠宇留芳并圣贤。“九五至尊”双屹立,当涂风物独占先。青山枕畔长流水,相得益彰千古传。悠游敬亭山邻近芜湖何处幽,敬亭山上古诗优。玉贞伤感千秋逝,太白钟情七逗留。极品春茶长摘顶,峥嵘乔木竞齐头。世间万物犹如此,天地悠悠莫尽求。西江月·四十五周年同学会岁月如流易度,沧桑不改春秋。同窗盛会愿方酬,友谊可堪回首。 少小几多往事,老来更觉情稠。祈吾母校榜龙头,辈出人才新秀。鹧鸪天·丫山花海石林 又是一年春意深,“仙人”引路景区寻。风和日丽余心乐,激荡豪情不住吟。 花似海,石称林,千姿百态意中斟。天公造物无穷妙,指点机屏话古今。
Chen Naideng, born in 1944, was a descendant of Rui'an Tang. Formerly served as the Secretary of the Party Branch of Xinfang Village, Tangxia Town. Member of the Poetry and Couplet Society of Rui'an City. Published "Returning to Agriculture Collection" and other publications. Eagle edge, desert and cloud world, soaring for thousands of miles. The eagle's eyes are sharp, and the fight is swift and thunderous. Fox and mouse have disappeared, while cobras have disappeared and disappeared. Childlike innocence has been lost, but old age continues its pride. I am delighted to see the Olympic half moon screen still on, and I am delighted to see the athletes winning gold medals. It is important to note that all the achievements on the stage are full, and sweat and blood solidify into determination. The Longquan Sword is famous all over the world, honed and refined through countless trials and tribulations. Remember the time when Ou Yezi sacrificed himself to the fiery furnace fire. Yongsong, rain and dew moisten and nourish the sprouting green needles, and wind, frost, ice, and snow nourish the thousand seeking. Different powders compete for color, and the bones are pure and noble, praising the past and present. The Taihu Lake Lake originates from Tianmu Mountains, and the Taihu Lake Lake originates from mountains. Hidden dragons and crouching tigers gather treasures, white waves churn through the winding waters of the flower stream. The Mount Wuyi People's Forum is a companion to the People's Forum, which gives a feeling of happiness to the people of the Yishi Forum and a family on both sides of China. Join hands on the Silk Road and strive to be patriotic today. Yongda Hongpao Tea Suspense: Where is Hongpao Chuyan? The two peaks stand between the giant rocks. After years of precious orchids, old stems and new branches return to nature. Visit Mount Huangshan Mountain in cool autumn, and visit famous mountains. The strange rocks are towering and majestic in appearance, and the strange pines and lush greenery showcase their joy. On the top of the lotus, it rushes towards the Xiaohan, and hidden in the Aoling Cave is a dangerous pass. The magical crown of the Five Mountains is created, and endless reverie lingers in my chest. Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the birth of the Republic and ushering in the 60th autumn, the Chinese people are competing for romance. The red flag on the top of Mount Everest is displayed, leaving footprints in the waves of the sea. Striving for excellence in science and striving for excellence, exploring the mysteries of the sky with Ren Youyou. The eastern red sun soars into the sky, and the ten thousand zhang glow shines brightly in Kyushu. The Chen Clan Ancestral Hall in He Rugao has been completed as a place of study in the Eastern Ou Neo Confucianism, with a thousand branches and one tree growing. Eight hundred years ago, I worried about etiquette, but I saw loyalty in the temple twice. The ancestors who first moved suffered from laying the foundation, and the descendants of nobles and sages fulfilled their dreams. Sharing peace as the foundation, sharing the taste of sacrificial wine to comfort sincerity. Driving with Shusen Chengqin to Tour the Wild Goose in the Middle
Yanyuan hides among the white stones, and the strange peaks and waterfalls bloom with joy. The Dragon Beard and Ghost Axe are both surging, and the Dragon Tail Divine Skill is bending in eight directions. The Heavenly King of Tota gathered in Xiaohan and returned to the mortal world to preach scriptures and Taoist temples. When you step out, you feel the early spring light, and the sprouting branches turn green and dye the mountains. Touring the Three Gorges gives a sense of high gorge and Pinghu, and I have long wanted to travel. The Xiangwang Goddess has a leisurely and carefree mind. The ship turns with the mountains and thousands of peaks appear, while the scenery and people come to search for everything. Rain falls on the hills and hills, wearing a Dai hat, and the clear and gentle valleys look back. Cherish the evening light of the setting sun, and cherish the wisdom of water and benevolence. Spring returns to autumn. Shanhai Pass is the first level of nostalgia, with a tiger standing at the throat, and a fierce and stubborn mountain town named Haijing. Meng Jiang mourned the fall of the Great Wall, and Wei Wu wielded his whip to return the stone. Hachi is recklessly injuring his life, and Wu Nu is humiliated as a beauty. The majestic pass is not as dangerous as the human pass, recalling the bloodstains and tears of the past. The ancient town of Nanxun has long been famous and has won nostalgia from visitors. Yide Tang seeks benevolence and filial piety for ever, and ancestral households are sincere in their good deeds. Three lives and ten thousand volumes of book collection music, with a thousand words and clear boundaries. A wise eye should be applied to the scenery, and the stars move and turn to meet the elites. Ruizhong Picks the Wind and Gives the School Celebration a Double First Class Celebration, with heartfelt congratulations and passion. Always cherishing auspicious aspirations, the mountains are far away, ashamed of declining beauty, and ashamed at dusk. Dropping out of school is only due to many accidents, but without merit, one always feels that there are few good intentions. Like smoke, let bygones rest and reminisce, while calligraphy, poetry, and books entertain the white head. The 70th anniversary of the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan commemorates the 70th anniversary of the victory in expelling Japanese invaders. The past is still filled with anger. East Asian co prosperity makes up a fairy tale, and Lugou frames trouble to raise a beacon. Nanjing has been transformed into a human prison, while Chongqing has become a bitter sea. Who has committed evil after eight years of bloodshed and tears, and fought together to suppress evil madness. I have long admired the Qinglian Taibai Immortal from the Taibai Tomb, and now I am hanging in front of the tomb. The old inscriptions in the forest of steles record the history of poetry, and the ancestral temple remains fragrant and holy. The "Ninth Five Sovereigns" stand tall, with Dangtu's unique scenery dominating. The green mountains and flowing water grow by the pillow, complementing each other and passing down through the ages. Where is the secluded location near Wuhu in Jingting Mountain? The ancient poetry on Jingting Mountain is excellent. Yuzhen's sadness lingers for thousands of years, while Taibai's love lingers for seven. Top quality spring tea is long picked, with towering trees competing at the top. All things in the world are still like this, and the heaven and earth are leisurely and not exhaustive. The 45th Anniversary Student Union of Xijiang Month is as easy as the flow of time, and the vicissitudes of life do not change the seasons of spring and autumn. Wishing for a grand gathering among classmates, friendship is worth looking back on. Less memories, more emotions when old. Qiwu alma mater ranks as the leader, producing a large number of talented newcomers. Zhegu Tian · Yashan Flower Sea and Stone Forest is another year of deep spring, and the "Immortal" guides the way to the scenic area. The wind and sun are beautiful, and my heart is filled with joy. I cannot help but sing the stirring and heroic emotions. Flowers are like the sea, stones are like the forest, with a variety of shapes and expressions in mind. The heavens create infinitely wonderful things, guiding the machine screen to talk about ancient and modern times.
Chen Naideng, also known as Chen Ying, was born in 1944 in Rui'an, Zhejiang. Member of the Ruian Poetry and Couplet Society, Researcher of the Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, Vice Chairman of the Third Presidium of the Chinese Art Association, and Vice Chairman of the China National Art Association. And has been awarded the title of Chinese Contemporary Art Master, a leading figure in the Chinese contemporary art world, a master of Chinese contemporary art, a giant of Chinese literature, and has been awarded the seal of the most valuable contemporary art master.
He has written books such as the first volume of the Guinong Collection, Chinese Legends, Chinese Classics, and My Memories. The market price of Runge is 68000-98000 yuan/square foot. There is no end to learning, which is also the admiration and encouragement of colleagues in the art industry, and I am not worthy of it. However, the eternal pursuit is "profound and profound in the fragrance of books, and profound in the charm of ink.