来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-09-28 09:09:42

高岩 原名高占国 , 年生于河北省元氏县高家庄。 1974年入伍新疆,自幼酷爱金石书画,兼擅摄影,中国书画函授大学学历。现为中国美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师,中国国画家协会会员,中国水墨画研究院研究员,河北省新闻图片社特约摄影员,石家庄竹石


Gao Yan, formerly known as Gaozhanguo, was born in Gaojiazhuang, Yuanshi County, Hebei Province. Joined the army in Xinjiang in 1974. He loved epigraphy and calligraphy since childhood, and was good at photography. He had a correspondence degree in Chinese painting and calligraphy. Now he is a member of China Artists Association, a national first-class artist, a member of China National Artists Association, a researcher of China Ink Painting Research Institute, a special photographer of Hebei News Photo Agency, and a bamboo stone in Shijiazhuang Dean of Xuan Painting and Calligraphy Institute. His works have participated in many domestic and international painting and calligraphy competitions, and won the Excellence Award, Gold Award, First Prize, Special Prize, and were included in many collections of paintings and calligraphy works.


2015年9月作品经中华人民共和国文化部严格筛选审定,授予“中国当代著名书画艺术名家”荣誉称号。 2015年 11月作品经中国书法家协会、中国美术家协会及文化部评估研究,授予“华人艺术大师”荣誉称号。

In September 2015, the works were strictly screened and approved by the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, and awarded the honorary title of "Famous Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists". In November 2015, the works were evaluated and studied by Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Artists Association and Ministry of Culture, and awarded the honorary title of "Master of Chinese Art".


2018年7月荣获国家非物质文化艺术传承奖“金奖”,并被授予“国家非物质文化艺术传承人荣誉称号”。 2018年 9月特授予“世界非物质文化遗产功勋奖”并授予“世界非物质文化遗产传承人”荣誉称号。

In July 2018, he won the "Gold Award" of the National Intangible Culture and Art Heritage Award and was awarded the honorary title of the National Intangible Culture and Art Heritage. In September 2018, he was awarded the Meritorious Award of World Intangible Cultural Heritage and the honorary title of Inheritor of World Intangible Cultural Heritage.


2019年由北京林都书画研究院、中国艺术博物馆、中国书法家协会、中国美术家协会、世界文艺家联合会共同策划编辑,岁月如歌《中国当代书画泰斗七大家》大型书画艺术特刊,为祖国70 ( 华诞献礼 入编《中国当代书画泰斗七大家》分别是:沈鹏、苏士澍、范迪安、何奇耶徒、吴为山、闫平、高岩 。

2020年被中国互联网联盟授予2020 年度全球各界顶级人物“年度之最”荣誉称号。

In 2019, it was jointly planned and edited by Beijing Lindu Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, Chinese Art Museum, Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Artists Association and World Federation of Literary and Art Artists. The special issue of large-scale painting and calligraphy art such as "Seven Masters of Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy" is the motherland 70 (The birthday gift is included in the "Seven Masters of Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy": Shen Peng, Su Shizhu, Fan Dian, He Qiye, Wu Weishan, Yan Ping, Gao In 2020, it was awarded the honorary title of "Best of the Year" by China Internet Alliance.












