来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-09-29 12:09:23


张志斌,汉族,大学本科学历,国家一级美术师,现代书画家,浙江江山人,原籍河北。曾在北京画院进修,2003年毕业于中国书画函授大学。曾是北京塞北军旅画家,优秀作品多次被军政界,俄罗斯,美国,泰国,缅甸,意大利国家博物馆和城市博物馆收藏。现为中华海外书画家协会理事,中国国际书画艺术研究会理事,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会会员,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会副秘书长,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会特聘书画家,河北省美术家协会会员、浙江省衢州市江山市美术家协会理事、江山书画院专业画家、苏州画院专业画家,河北张家口、廊坊美协理事、中国华夏万里行书画协会秘书长、中国华夏兰亭书画院副教授、北京宣和艺术研究院理事、中国匈牙利建交70周年“中欧文化交流宣传公益大使”、2019年被文化旅游部评为中美建交40周年“中华文化书画艺术大使”。 中国邮政网、中国邮政局全国百名书画名家“中国共产党建党99、100周年邀请展特邀艺术家”。

Zhang Zhibin, Han nationality, bachelor degree, national first-class artist, modern painter, native of Jiangshan, Zhejiang, Hebei. He studied in Beijing Painting Academy and graduated from Correspondence College of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy in 2003. He used to be a military painter in Saibei, Beijing. His outstanding works have been collected by military and political circles, Russia, America, Thailand, Myanmar, Italy National Museum and City Museum for many times. He is currently a director of China Overseas Calligraphers Association, director of China International Painting and Calligraphy Research Association, member of Calligraphy Art Research Association of China Couplets Association, deputy secretary-general of Calligraphy Art Research Association of China Couplets Association, special painter of New Art Group Calligraphers Working Committee of China Calligraphers Association, member of Hebei Artists Association, director of Jiangshan Artists Association of Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, professional painter of Jiangshan Painting and Calligraphy Institute and Suzhou Painting Institute. Director of Hebei Zhangjiakou and Langfang Artists Association, Secretary General of China Huaxia Miles Painting and Calligraphy Association, Associate Professor of China Huaxia Lanting Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Director of Beijing Xuanhe Art Research Institute, "China-Europe Cultural Exchange Publicity Ambassador" for the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary, and "Chinese Cultural Painting and Calligraphy Art Ambassador" for the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 2019. China Post Network, China Post Office, one hundred famous painting and calligraphy artists in China, "invited artists for the 99th and 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China".


张志斌老师作品极具特色,深受广大收藏家喜爱。近年来张志斌老师参加全国性书画大赛获得了诸多荣誉,全国性书画大赛金奖7次,银奖13次,铜奖5次,优秀奖3次,中俄建交70周年文化艺术展荣获“银奖”,中法建交55周年中华文化世纪大赛荣获“金奖”,以及全球海外书画家中华杯书画大赛荣获“银奖”,2004年被军届授予“最具影响力塞北军旅画家”荣誉称号,2018.12被文化部授予全国百名“2018年度国礼艺术家称号”,2019年度最具收藏艺术家称号” ,并无偿为北京宣和艺术研究院捐赠慈善拍卖作品义卖精品作品2副,市场价24万。张志斌老师的山水画极有特色,其画作朴实无华,立意高远,气势磅礴,秀美灵动。小中见大,意趣交融。融中西合璧之技法,现南北山水之风韵。量身定做或创作写生,都能自如实现状物言志,借景抒情的意境。

Mr. Zhang Zhibin's works are very distinctive and popular among collectors. In recent years, Mr. Zhang Zhibin has won many honors in participating in the national painting and calligraphy competition. The national painting and calligraphy competition won 7 gold medals, 13 silver medals, 5 bronze medals and 3 excellent awards. The cultural and art exhibition on the 70 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia won the "Silver Award", and the Chinese Culture Century Competition on the 55 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France won the "Silver Award". In 2004, it was awarded the "Most Influential Saibei Army" In December, 2018, the Ministry of Culture awarded 100 "National Gifted Artists in 2018" and "Most Collected Artists in 2019", and donated 2 charity auction works for Beijing Xuanhe Art Research Institute free of charge, with a market price of 240,000. Teacher Zhang Zhibin's landscape paintings are very distinctive. His paintings are unpretentious, ambitious, magnificent and beautiful. Seeing the big from the small, blending interests and interests. The combination of Chinese and Western techniques is the charm of the north and south landscapes. Tailor-made or sketching can freely realize the artistic conception of expressing one's will and expressing one's feelings through the scenery.



Zhang Zhibin is a contemporary painter who has made great achievements and successfully developed his painting career because of his profound tradition, extensive involvement, pursuit of culture and art and infinite yearning for a better life. When I was 18 years old, I copied the Picture of Riverside at Qingming Festival in Song Dynasty, which has reached its charm and is well-informed in painting. Today, Mr. Zhang Zhibin is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding artists in Chinese landscape painting. His paintings are beautiful and elegant, with far-reaching and fresh artistic conception, and his unique painting style is natural and refined.













