来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-09-14 16:09:12

阮祖英:笔名风雅颂。现为中央国家机关书法家协会会员;人民美术艺术家委员会委员; 中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会会员;中国互联网联盟理事;全国名人书画艺术界联合会常务委员、书画艺术指导师;广东省金融书法家协会理事;被授予“全国百位优秀人民书画家”荣誉称号、“中国新长城艺术家”荣誉称号、 “新冠战‘疫’特别模范艺术家”荣誉称号、“新时代雷锋传人”荣誉称号。

Ruan Zuying: His pen name is Elegance Song. He is currently a member of the Calligraphers Association of the Central State Organs; Member of the People's Art Artists Committee; Member of the Painting and Calligraphy Working Committee of the New Literature and Art Group of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association; Director of China Internet Alliance; Standing Committee member of the National Federation of Celebrity Painting and Calligraphy Art Circles, painting and calligraphy art instructor; Director of Guangdong Financial Calligraphers Association; He was awarded the honorary title of "National Top 100 People's Painters and Painters", "Chinese New Great Wall Artist", "Special Model Artist of COVID-19 War" and "Heir Lei Feng in the New Era".



He is diligent, diligent, and versatile, and takes the advantages of a hundred schools for his own use. Through years of artistic practice, he has gradually formed his own artistic language and style. With his pen, he flies naturally. In the round pen, he is uneven level and integrated. Between words, he echoes the spirit from top to bottom, flowing beautifully and naturally. His calligraphy works have beautiful lines, exquisite Mo Miao, handsome and bold brushwork, rigorous layout, rich personality and elegance. He often publishes his works in books and periodicals and on the Internet, and his works have won many awards, toured exhibitions and been collected in the National Calligraphy Competition.


作品还先后入选《时代中国人艺术名家》《当代艺术领军人物创新与梦想》《中国领军人物》《华夏名人荟萃》等大型综合文献。2014年参加全国第二届硬笔书法册页手卷作品艺术大展获奖,2017年荣获“中国长城文化金奖”,其代表书法作品永久镌刻八达岭新长城永载史册。2017年12月作品入选记我国“百位专家”成果集锦,由中国新闻联合出版社公开发行的《中国创新力量》大型文献。2018年1月作品入选人民日报社主管公开发行的《人民美术艺术家》 刊物。2018年1月作品在新长城传媒、百度、新华网、新浪、环球网、今日头条等15家媒体以“笔精墨妙 典雅清逸”阮祖英书作专题报道。2018 年 3 月,在凤凰网作品参加新时代书画领军代表人物献礼两会展播。2018年4月,其作品参加由中国企业报道改革开放40周年突出贡献艺术名家作品展。5月4日作品入选由中国文化发展出版社公开发行的《中国杰出人物志》大型文献。 5月25日应邀请参加人民日报社民生周刊:袭古创今,访谈纪录片拍摄。6月由中国企业报道、中企报盟信息科学研究院向企业重点推荐助力企业文化建设入《中国当代书画名家库》;2019年5月作品参加人民日报社等多家网络媒体重点推荐《当代艺术领军人物》弘扬艺术文化,表彰先进艺术家活动。2019年9月30日参加《共和国七十年文化之旅》特别推荐作品在人民日报、凤凰网、网易、今日头条、文化博览等网络报道。2019年 12月16日 作品入选由中国楹联学会书法研究会开展《联墨艺术进校园》———传承经典中国当代名家作品集编纂; 2019年12月26日受CCTV-4《国宝档案》邀請,作品作为国家珍贵文墨进行行存档;2020年3月13日参加《振奋人心,凝聚力量》 笔墨书心,共战疫情活动,作品在人民日报网、搜狐网、今日头条、凤凰网、一点资讯、书画文化博览等报导;4月2日应国际新闻联合中心邀请,参与中国在国际上呼吁的“命运与共,全球战疫”特别报道,提词创作活动,授予“新冠战‘疫’特别模范艺术家”称号!2020年7月参加由中国互联网联盟主办的“守文化之重、刨时代之新”中华优秀传统文化艺术大家作品网络展播活动。

His works have also been selected into large-scale comprehensive documents such as "Famous Chinese Artists in the Times", "Innovation and Dream of Leading Figures in Contemporary Art", "Leading Figures in China" and "Gathering of Chinese Celebrities". In 2014, he participated in the second national art exhibition of hard-pen calligraphy album and hand-rolled works, and won the "Gold Award of Great Wall Culture of China" in 2017. His representative calligraphy works are permanently engraved in the history of Badaling New Great Wall. In December, 2017, his works were selected into the collection of achievements of "100 Experts" in China, and the large-scale document "China Innovation Power" published by China News Joint Publishing House. In January, 2018, his works were selected into the publication People's Art Artists published by the director of People's Daily. In January, 2018, his works were featured in Ruan Zuying's book "Fine Writing, Elegant and Clean Mo Miao" in 15 media including New Great Wall Media, Baidu, Xinhuanet, Sina, World Wide Web and Today Headline. In March, 2018, he participated in the exhibition and broadcast of the two sessions of the leading representatives of painting and calligraphy in the new era. In April, 2018, his works participated in the exhibition of famous artists whose outstanding contributions were reported by Chinese enterprises on the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up. On May 4th, his works were selected into the large-scale literature of "Chinese Outstanding Figures" published by China Cultural Development Publishing House. On May 25th, I was invited to participate in the People's Daily People's Livelihood Weekly: attacking the past and creating the present, and shooting an interview documentary. In June, it was reported by Chinese enterprises, and the Information Science Research Institute of China Enterprise Newspaper League recommended to the enterprises to help the construction of corporate culture into the "Chinese Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Master Library"; In May, 2019, his works participated in many online media such as People's Daily and recommended "Leading Figures in Contemporary Art" to promote art and culture and commend advanced artists. On September 30, 2019, he participated in the "70 Years of Cultural Journey of the Republic", and specially recommended works were reported on People's Daily, Phoenix. com, Netease, Today's Headlines, Cultural Expo and other networks. On December 16, 2019, the work was selected by the Calligraphy Research Association of China Couplet Association to carry out "Lianmo Art into the Campus"-inheriting the compilation of classic Chinese contemporary famous works; On December 26, 2019, invited by CCTV-4 "National Treasure Archives", the works were archived as national precious Chinese ink; On March 13, 2020, he participated in the "Inspiring People, Consolidating Strength" pen and ink, and fought the epidemic activities. His works were reported in People's Daily Online, Sohu.com, Today's headlines, Phoenix.com, a little information, and painting and calligraphy culture Expo; On April 2nd, at the invitation of the International Press Joint Center, he participated in the special report on "Destiny and Sharing, Global War Epidemic" called by China internationally, and was awarded the title of "Special Model Artist of COVID-19 War Epidemic"! In July, 2020, he participated in the online exhibition and broadcast of outstanding Chinese traditional culture and art works sponsored by China Internet Alliance.



The literature of "A Gathering of Chinese Celebrities" evaluates his book: he is a person who extracts the essence from tradition and sublimates natural aesthetics. No matter how busy he is, he will make time every day to seek novelty, novelty, change and keep artistic youthful vitality in calligraphy entertainment.



The literature of "Records of Outstanding People in China" evaluates its works: its inheritance is self-contained, its weather is fair, it is unique, its layout is integrated, it is elegant and clear, and there is a feeling of luxury and escape between the lines. It is indeed a rare calligrapher with profound cultural heritage today.



Evaluation by the Organizing Committee of China's New Great Wall: It has been immersed in Chinese traditional culture for many years, and has won the same way of painting and calligraphy. It organically blends the freehand brushwork of characters in landscape Chinese painting with the crossing of cursive calligraphy, and strives to give priority to conception and pursue the aesthetic feeling of Chinese painting in the layout of composition. Its cursive script not only has Zhang Xu's turbulent madness, but also has a spirit of emptiness and elegance; There is also the beauty of Mi Fei's twists and turns, and its ancient charm is high. Under the fine products, it is strong and powerful, and its writing style is also hit the floor. The pen and ink are all flowing in one go.


人民日报民生周刊袭古创今纪录片评价:阮祖英书法的整体面貌:楷书圆润、挺拔、雄壮、厚重,而又灵活多变,笔笔不同;错落有致,而又统一和谐;行书笔毫的使转相互牵连,以传统的提按为主,藏锋、逆锋、方笔、切笔互用,形成舒展,流动的韵律,神采飞扬,富有节奏。“笔精墨妙 典雅清逸”乃阮祖英书法创作的真实写照,在楷书、行书的基础上,他更长于草书,善用章法来营造书法的整体气势,通过对字形的大小、长短、开合以至用笔的轻重徐疾、墨韵浓淡枯润的变化,构筑书法作品平衡统一的整体,其用笔既紧扣千古不易的“中锋”,又临机巧运,变幻莫测,笔不到而意到,形神兼备,初看喜欢,久看更爱,让观赏者透过笔墨神韵能感受到其丰富多姿且自然成趣的意境之美。

People's Daily and People's Livelihood Weekly hit the ancient times and created the present documentary evaluation: the overall appearance of Ruan Zuying's calligraphy: the regular script is round, straight, magnificent, heavy, flexible and changeable, with different pens; Scattered, but unified and harmonious; Running script is closely related to each other, with traditional lifting and pressing as the main method. Tibetan front, anti-front, Fang Bi and cutting pen are mutually used to form a stretching and flowing rhythm, which is full of vigor and rhythm. Ruan Zuying's calligraphy creation is a true portrayal of "exquisite brushwork in Mo Miao". On the basis of regular script and running script, he is better at cursive script and makes good use of rules to create the overall momentum of calligraphy. By changing the size, length, opening and closing of glyphs, as well as the weight of pens and the changes of Mo Yun, he builds a balanced and unified whole calligraphy work. His pens are not only closely linked to the "center" that has never been easy for ages, but also take advantage of opportunities.



Evaluation of CCTV4 National Treasure Archives: Looking at Ruan Zuying's works, the first impression is smart and elegant, with straight lines and full of charm. The works are deeply hidden in Guijiao, with a balanced density and a natural image, and they can see the danger in the middle of Pingping and seek interest in the danger. The regularity of changes in thickness and shape makes the stroke lines in calligraphy have a strong sense of rhythm. Its characters have a feeling of free and easy elegance, stability and quietness.



From January to March, 2020, he gave love to fight against the epidemic, not only cheering for angels in white with his brush! Come on for Wuhan! Come on for China! I personally joined the frontline volunteer service against "epidemic disease" and contributed to the fight against "epidemic disease" in various ways. Participating in volunteer service to the community was interviewed by Xiangyang TV Station and Times Weekly by telephone, reporting the deeds of volunteers fighting against "epidemic disease".







