来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-09-15 15:09:33

陈京水,字沛源、子柔,号大熭,1964年生,山东济南历城人,北京大学艺术学院首届中国画高级研修班学员,国家一级书法师。中国共产党党员,中国书法家协会会员,中国书法美术家协会会员,中国民族艺术家协会终身名誉主席,中国文联名誉顾问。书法作品入编《中国国礼推荐与采购》《世界艺术家中国专号》《中国传世名作收藏与鉴赏》《一代大师》《走进大家》。获中国书画艺术最高奖项金菊花奖,获达芬奇国际艺术大赛金奖,获意大利中国文化年艺术巡展杰出艺术家荣誉称号。入选中华名人档案库、国家人才库,被授予中华文化名人,获“中华名人艺术形象大使”。中央电视台老故事频道播出了有中央新闻记录电影制片厂拍摄的20分钟《写意人生—陈京水》专题片。央视网和新华社新华网联合播出了由华人频道《华人会客厅》录制的28分钟专访视频:《用文化和线条塑造精神》。出版发行了《1999—2019澳门回归祖国陈京水专题邮票邮册》,出版发行了《翰墨大爱 艺术抗疫—艺术名家陈京水丝绸珍藏册》。

Chen Jingshui, born in Licheng, Jinan, Shandong Province in 1964, is a student of the first advanced Chinese painting seminar of Peking University Art College and a national first-class calligrapher. Member of the Communist Party of China, member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, member of Chinese Calligraphy Artists Association, lifelong honorary chairman of Chinese National Artists Association, honorary consultant of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Calligraphy works are included in "Recommendation and Purchasing of Chinese National Gifts", "Special Issue of World Artists in China", "Collection and Appreciation of Chinese Famous Works handed down from ancient times", "A Generation of Masters" and "Entering Everyone". He won the Golden Chrysanthemum Award, the highest award of Chinese painting and calligraphy art, the Gold Award of Da Vinci International Art Competition, and the honorary title of Outstanding Artist of Italian Chinese Culture Year Art Tour Exhibition. He was selected into Chinese celebrity archives and national talent pool, awarded Chinese cultural celebrity, and won the "Ambassador of Chinese Celebrity Art Image". CCTV's Old Story Channel broadcasted a 20-minute feature film "Freehand Life-Chen Jingshui", which was shot by a film studio with a central news record. CCTV and Xinhua News Agency jointly broadcast a 28-minute interview video recorded by Chinese channel "Chinese Living Room": "Shaping Spirit with Culture and Lines". Published "Special Stamp Album of Macao's Return to Motherland Chen Jingshui from 1999 to 2019", and published "Hanmo Love Art for Anti-epidemic-Famous Artist Chen Jingshui Silk Collection".






Speech from the new era: study for life, strive forever, follow the party and keep the four directions. Wise words: people first, life first, study hard and make progress every day; Sinking the community, helping the enterprises, going to the countryside, and being well-off in an all-round way. Motto: The Age of Poetry and Songs Writing Life motto: Heaven gives us a great responsibility, but who will give me up?



In recent years, calligraphy and painting works strive for the perfect unity of poetry, painting and calligraphy and have the characteristics of the times. During the novel coronavirus epidemic, we actively signed up to volunteer for the frontline epidemic prevention work in the sinking community of Party members. Standing guard on duty for 12 consecutive days, taking body temperature, checking identity, reporting to the journal, and fulfilling the glorious tasks assigned by the Party. While studying and implementing the epidemic prevention policy of the CPC Central Committee, we should consider social problems in light of reality. Express it in the form of poetry and prose in time.



"Wuhan had a steep beach yesterday, and it was a long time to kill people on the beach. Would rather seal than seal the city, save the country hero Wen Liang. Be free from the bodhisattva spirit, and fear the wisdom of the people. Qianjiang closed the city six days earlier and dared to take risks to Zuyun. " —— Thoughts on the advanced typical speech on epidemic prevention in Qianjiang City, Hubei Province.


“昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地商余黄鹤楼。初心易去何时返,使命难逢灾悠悠。滩头杀生汉阳树,文亮封口鹦鹉洲。疫传家园何处是?瘟染江山使人愁。”——读崔颢黄鹤楼有感 庚子子柔诗书画於文明中国。

"where long ago a yellow crane bore a sage to heaven, here is the Yellow Crane Tower. It's easy to go when to return, but difficult to meet disaster. The beachhead kills Hanyang trees, and Wen Liang seals Parrot Island. Where is the epidemic home? It is embarrassing to dye the mountains and rivers. " -Reading the Yellow Crane Tower in Cui Hao, I feel that Gengzi's soft poems and paintings are in civilized China.



"One party has a good command of everything, so what is the beauty of the vertical and horizontal? When the Three Gods came out of the mountain, Snow White smiled and nodded. Suddenly, like a night of ice fireflies, spring thunder and snow plague sent. The empty mountain is lonely and the heart is born, and the empty valley is far away from the wild birds. " -Feeling that the Fire Mountain, Raytheon Mountain, Zhong Nanshan Three Mountains have fallen into magic.





《如梦令昨夜灯亮一宿》:恩来灯亮一宿 ,不睡伏案无酒。试问小超人,却道海棠依旧。知否?知否?已是泪水横流。






"party members commandos, the north wind blows. One person rushes ahead and thousands of people make a difference. " -People's War for Prevention and Control of Community Epidemic in China. "Like a dream, always remember Yugong moving mountains": always remember Yugong moving mountains, indulge in serving the people, and commemorate Bethune. Suddenly, deep in the street, stop, stop, recite quotations from the chairman. One by one, Chen Jingshui felt that when he was a child, his father told the story of reciting quotations from Chairman Mao "Like a dream, the lights are on all night last night": Enlai lights up all night without sleeping at his desk and drinking. Try to ask little Superman, but the Chinese flowering crabapple remains the same. Do you know? Do you know? Is the tears. —— Thoughts on watching the TV series "Begonia Still", commemorating the beloved Premier Zhou "Like a dream, you can always remember that Pingyu is close to people": you can always remember Pingyu and indulge in Do not forget your initiative mind. Go home late and tackle poverty in deep water. Well-off door, well-off door, happy village of chess, calligraphy and painting. Chen Jingshui felt that a well-off society was built in an all-round way in the Gengzi year [Hero] Life is precious and mission is higher. If it is for everyone's life, one's life can be thrown away. Mine clearance is dangerous, but the mission is noble. Protect people's lives, but I hope they don't die. —— President Xi Jinping shook hands with Jinan demining hero Zhang Baoguo and felt that "demining is very dangerous"









