来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-09-17 15:09:46



Xue Jiquan is from Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province. From childhood, he loved calligraphy, studied the calligraphy of four famous ancient European, Yan, Liu and Zhao, and practiced the works of Wang Yizhi and Wang Xianzhi. Swiftness: It can be achieved in one go, like being drunk, seeking stability in danger, drawing silver hooks with iron, showing "both form and spirit", integrating the essence of ancient and modern calligraphy art, and being self-contained.


Developed by Lanting Character Library Engineering Working Committee, the personal "Xue Ji Quan Ti" character library is made into computer fonts or fonts that can be selected by smart phones. He is currently an art consultant of China National Expo, vice president of China Century Grand Collection Painting and Calligraphy Institute, deputy secretary-general of Calligraphy Art Research Association of China Couplet Society, member of China Couplet Society, member of New Art Group Calligraphers Working Committee of Chinese Calligraphers Association, special painter, deputy editor-in-chief of National Literature and Art Publishing House, visiting professor of Beijing Huaxia Lanting Painting and Calligraphy Institute, chairman of Qufu Hongru Painting and Calligraphy Institute, lifelong honorary president of China Intangible Culture Society. Honorary President of International Chinese Literary Artists Association, Vice President of Chinese People's Literary Artists Association, Art Consultant of National Poetry and Painting Network, Member of China Outstanding Calligraphers Association, Member of China Outstanding Calligraphers Association.



Awarded as: national senior calligraphy teacher, national first-class calligrapher (home), inheritor of world intangible cultural heritage, national intangible cultural art inheritor, national cultural celebrity, inheritor of Chinese culture, inheritor of Chinese folk culture and art, national top poet and painter, master of contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy, master of Chinese literature and art, first-class literary and art masters of the Republic, top ten famous artists of the Republic and creators of classics handed down. International outstanding Chinese artists, famous Chinese culture artists, five-star artists of the Republic, outstanding artists of the New Great Wall of China, masters of Chinese contemporary art, national first-class poetry painters and painters, outstanding artists of the 19th National Congress, patriotic writers and artists who love the Party, national cultural and artistic meritorious figures, national cultural construction contributors, masters of the Founding of the People's Republic of China, Macao cultural image ambassadors, people's role models and benchmark figures in literature and art in the new era. Celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army—the leading figures of literature and art in the Republic, the leaders of literature and art in the Republic, the meritorious figures of Chinese red culture, the top ten gold medal artists who have influenced China's culture for 70 years, the outstanding representatives of Kyushu literature and art, the contributors to the revival of Chinese traditional culture, the artists of both virtue and art, the top ten supreme artists in China, the favorite Chinese artists in the collection field and the outstanding Chinese artists with the greatest collection potential, the most beautiful artists in the world, the top ten legends of national literature and art, and gold medal artists.


The calligraphy "Long" is developed and innovated on the basis of traditional calligraphy by the "Runge Evaluation Center of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Title", which is unique and self-contained, and awarded Xue Jiquan's "Yipen Jackie Chan" calligraphy as a "well-known brand". And the market price per square foot of calligraphy works is 15,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan.




In 2018, Mao Zedong's calligraphy masterpiece "Qingpingle Liupan Mountain" and his personal inscription "Great Wall Spirit and Eternal Generation" were engraved on the wall of the Great Wall (Badaling New Great Wall in Beijing) for permanent display. In January 2018, the limited edition collection of "the belt and road initiative Chinese Dream-Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy Master Xue Jiquan" was released globally; In January, 2019, the Painting and Calligraphy Art Professional Committee of China Mass Culture Society and China International Philatelic Network were distributed around the world to celebrate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up and set sail for a new era. Xue Jiquan, the leading figure of Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy art, and a limited edition of large-scale literature collection postal book, with representative works compiled in [China Hall of Fame], large-scale art album [Gold Artist] and large-scale thread-bound ancient books [handed down classics and master style]. Personal calligraphy works have participated in many national calligraphy and painting competitions and won the first prize and gold medal.



Won the "Meritorious Award of World Intangible Cultural Heritage", "National Intangible Culture and Art Inheritance Award", "Republic Poetry Calligrapher Achievement Award", "Chinese Art Huading Award", "Chinese Literary Master Lifetime Achievement Award", "China Influential Culture and Art Award", "the glory of the king-China Literature and Art Highest Honor Award", "Republic Art Five Star Award" Gold Award, "China Great Wall Culture Gold Award", Outstanding Contribution Award of Poetry, Painting and Calligraphy of the Republic, National Cultural Construction Award, Meritorious Award of Chinese Folk Culture and Art, Nineteenth National Literary Representative, Lotus Award of Macao, Model Award of Love for the Party and Patriotism, Kyushu Literature and Art Kirin Award, Contribution Award of Revival of Chinese Traditional Culture, Honorary Award of Chinese Artist's Virtue and Art, People's Pioneer of Literature and Art, and Commemoration of Forbidden City "Chinese Literature and Art Supreme Award", "World Outstanding Chinese Artist Collection Award", "World Most Beautiful Artist Award", "National Literature and Art Outstanding Contribution Award", "Great Country Culture 2019 Art Golden Dragon Award", "Republic Cultural Elite Award", "Chinese Art Hundred Flowers Award" and other awards.


书情画意天工技 翰墨驰名文化功——记著名书法家薛济权

Book, Love, Painting, Heavenly Craftsmanship, Calligraphy and Famous Cultural Merit —— A Record of the Famous Calligrapher Xue Jiquan


Calligraphy is an art that pays great attention to ancient times. The so-called "Gao Gu", in many people's calligraphy concepts at present, is at most a verbal statement, not a brilliant pursuit. Only the calligraphy of Mr Xue Jiquan, a famous contemporary calligrapher, has been honed, making progress from two aspects of theory and practice, and has entered the authentic realm of calligraphy and antiquity, becoming the top grade of inscription repair and the first-class handwriting. Therefore, standing in front of his calligraphy works, sometimes Fiona Fang in Qin Dynasty, sometimes heroic in Han Dynasty, rigorous in Tang Dynasty and romantic in Song Dynasty, all the ancient characters of calligraphy are left behind! Throughout his books, all the books are completed, just as the calligraphy has been flowing for 3,000 years, with high ancient bearing, exquisite burning and beautiful!


How did he enter the ancient realm and gain the mainstream achievements of calligraphy cultivation? Of course, it's the pen and ink chasing the inscription, and the sweat from the cold and the summer breaks. There is no other way for the strength of calligraphy, except persistent cultivation. Therefore, the calligraphers dye the pool river with ink, while the pens are bald and accumulate mountains. Mr. Xue Jiquan reads, clings to, and realizes posts. His heart is connected with posts, and his actions are consistent with posts. After decades of heart chasing hands, he takes the Wei and Jin magic works of Erwang calligraphy as the core, and takes Europe, Yan, Liu, and Zhao Kai calligraphy as the cornerstone, and builds his own calligraphy system, which shapes history and evokes culture. Through the best absorption of the essence of inscriptions, calligraphy can gain bones and muscles, blood and spirit.


His calligraphy, in addition to its extremely ancient form and rhyme character, will not lack the creative style of forging ahead. He fully inherits the pleasure and smartness of the Second King's cursing, but he is definitely not a copywriter and a servant of calligraphy sages. Instead, he is good at having an equal dialogue with the ancient calligraphy quality, doing cultural exchanges under the background of the times, injecting aesthetic values of the times into the calligraphy creation process, making calligraphy shine like the old pile, making the times green, and grasping the relationship between calligraphy innovation and calligraphy tradition very well. With the combined kinetic energy of skill and wisdom, the unique style of cursive writing and Jackie Chan is created, and the Chinese dragon rhyme and dragon shape are expressed thoroughly with pen and ink, while the pen can express emotion and the book is picturesque, which seems to be the magic of pen and ink made by Tiangong.


When people write calligraphy in Ming Dynasty, there is Xu Wei's creation of cursive script, while when people write calligraphy in modern times, there is Xue Jiquan's cultural achievement of creating brand in Jackie Chan! His dragon book is a symbol of the success of cursive script. A stroke of writing dragon is the accumulation of calligraphy tradition. The brushwork is arbitrary, and the ink is full of elegance. A stroke changes a lot, and it is integrated into a chapter. Gu Pingying, the top grade of cursive script is the spectacle of pen and ink wearing clouds and dragons. It is rated as a well-known brand among cultural brands, exclusive and exclusive. This is the crystallization of cultural cultivation, and his calligraphy has a scale of 20,000 in the art market


The calligraphy is famous for its artistic skills and cultural achievements. The skill of a calligrapher not only needs to pass the test of art, but also needs to pass the tasting of market price. Only when the skill passes two levels can we be called everyone. Nowadays, Xue Jiquan's calligraphy is not only the brand of culture, but also the target of the market, so it is clear at a glance that calligraphy is distinguished and elegant.

著名书画评论家 史峰 2019年4月8日

Famous painting and calligraphy critic Shi Feng

April 8, 2019


弘扬文化修翰墨 功勋卓越播名远——记著名书法家薛济权

Carrying forward culture, repairing calligraphy, making outstanding achievements and spreading fame-a record of the famous calligrapher Xue

Documentary law is an art that attaches great importance to "getting the law". It can only be a copywriter without its law. If it gets the law, it can be drunk and write freely, and achieve calligraphy attainments. Wang Xizhi got the freedom, so he wrote by cloud and entered the Bank of China. Yonghe wrote Lanting for nine years, and he had the ability to run the first running script in the world. Taking Wutong as a teacher, Huai Su has to teach the cursive script method of self-vibrating, shocking and flying in the sand. Even if he speaks well, he will get well, and become a big hand to follow epilepsy according to madness. Mr Xue Jiquan, a famous contemporary calligrapher, has practiced calligraphy for decades, defying the cold and heat, and never stops in the Spring and Autumn Period. He has also become a master of calligraphy after chasing the famous calligraphy posts of past dynasties.


Whether there is calligraphy skill or not, let's not talk about others first, but look at the accomplishments of regular script first. In the contemporary book world, it is difficult for anyone to be like Mr Xue Jiquan, who can sit on the bench for ten years and pursue the method of writing letters one by one! Therefore, it's rare for calligraphers who can write regular script with perfect brushwork. Xue Jiquan's regular script absorbs the essence of European, Yan, Liu and Zhao in an all-round way. It takes the form of Ou Yangxun's regular script, takes the bones and muscles of Yan Zhenqing and Liu Gongquan's regular script as the spirit, and takes part in Zhao Ziang's regular script, which reflects the softness of the brushwork with Italian couplet, and integrates the four-body method, forming its own regular script with exquisite brushwork, upright structure and sparse composition There is no deceit in regular script. Only like Mr. Xue Jiquan, who has mastered regular script, is the strength of calligraphy!


If regular script is the foundation of his practice of calligraphy, then cursive calligraphy is the wanton expression of his genius in expressing calligraphy. Calligraphy talks about lawfulness and lyricism. It's hard to avoid being inflexible if you only talk about the law. Only speak lyrical, will become a river's lake. Only by adjusting and harmonizing testimonies and lyricism can calligraphy become an extraordinary image of spirit and spirit. He has a thorough understanding of calligraphy as the essence of line art, and has a profound experience. He carries his own pen and ink experience with the authentic spirit of Erwang's calligraphy, emphasizes the philosophical realm of the unity of books and people, perfectly combines the flow of calligraphy lines with the heart movement, holds the pen tube in his hand, and has a strong rhythm control over the movement of the lines of cursive calligraphy, which can be achieved in one go when it is fast, while flying in one go. Should be fast is fast, need slow is slow, press the folding, in order to show fast escape, in order to store strength slowly, always taper sand roof leak mark heart tactic is perfect.

The vivid charm of lines is completely reflected by the sense of rhythm. He really wrote cursive calligraphy as a line art with a sense of life, and practiced the book theory idea that nothing in the world is not cursive. Dharma and freedom complement each other, and Vientiane posture becomes calligraphy, which not only avoids the embarrassment that cursive is not qualified and the gods do not recognize it, but also promotes the cursive spirit of letting go of writing the heart and freedom is the law. Therefore, watching his cursive works is all posture, posture and attitude. The male pen is written in pale ink, and the autumn eagle is written by rabbits. The calligraphy is filled with heavenly songs, the milky way falls into waterfalls, and the desert is lonely. The male Zhuo and elegant coexist, and the vigor and mobility are smooth. Only by reading, writing and understanding the book spectrum thoroughly, can we cultivate this kind of everyone's skill with both smooth mind and hands and excellent intelligence and work!

Carry forward the culture, repair calligraphy, make outstanding contributions and spread the fame. Calligraphy is the carrier of culture. If there is no cultural influence, calligraphy is only a small skill. If calligraphy has cultural influence, it is a great feat of inheriting culture and Long Mai. Xue Jiquan, through his profound calligraphy cultivation, has generated brilliant cultural influence for calligraphy and won the title of inheritor of Chinese culture, which is both an honor and a responsibility. Driven by his responsibility, he spared no effort to carry forward the traditional culture and was praised by all, thus winning the heavyweight title of the 19th National Congress of Literary and Art Representatives and the 19th National Congress of Outstanding Literary and Art Artists. Pen and ink should keep pace with the times, and calligraphy carols should bear the responsibility of flourishing age, which made him truly famous and accomplished. He loves his country, the party and the army, and has a red character that can be praised with pen and ink. He has been awarded the title of National Cultural Meritorious Person and Chinese Red Cultural Meritorious Person. He enjoys a wide reputation and outstanding merits, and is a great scholar and cultural master!

著名书画评论家 罗成 2019年7月17日

Famous painting and calligraphy critic Luo Cheng July 17, 2019



Taking calligraphy as a friend, the breeze brings out the pen and flowers, and the world of elegance and elegance is shared


Chinese characters are the unique culture of Chinese people. Chinese characters written by different people usually show different styles and temperament. Xue Jiquan's Jackie Chan is very rigorous in structure and strokes, elegant and magnificent. The Chinese Dream is also upright and profound, making great efforts in font structure, highlighting the cultural theme of the Chinese Dream with calligraphy, giving it a new era and a new mission, and at the same time reflecting the personality charm of Teacher Xue Jiquan through its broad and profound cultural connotation.



Famous calligraphy critic Wang Qi

January 14, 2020









