来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-09-18 20:09:19


陈建新,浙江温州人,1987年毕业浙江大学。中国当代著名书法家,诗人,收藏家。中华人民共和国国宾礼艺术家,国家高级书法师。中国书法家协会会员,中国书画家联谊会会员,中国收藏家协会会员,中国硬笔书协会员,中国中外名人文化研究会学术委员会会员兼艺术顾问,中国国际书画艺术研究会会员,水墨丹青书画院会员。中国人民艺术网艺术顾问,中国工业合作协会国策智库专家委员会专家,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会理事副秘书长、特聘书画家;《新文艺》杂志编委;中国民族建筑研究会书画专业委员会理事,客座教授;中国楹联学会理事;中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会书画专家兼副秘书长;华港书画文化研究院副院长;中国互联网联盟理事兼艺术总监,副主编;国际名人百科外联部主任; 孔子美术舘签约艺术家;收藏天下全国数字电视频道学术指导与特邀艺术家。东方兰亭诗社理事,东方诗人协会副主席,东方收藏家协会副主席,东方文明传播会副主席,兼任总会管理委员会委员。曾受聘担任开封苏富比艺术发展中心艺术总监。


Chen Jianxin, a native of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, graduated from Zhejiang University in 1987. Famous calligrapher, poet and collector in contemporary China. National Guest Ceremony Artist of the People's Republic of China, National Senior Calligraphy Master. Member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Collectors Association, Chinese Hard Pen Book Association, Academic Committee and Art Consultant of Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association, China International Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Association and Ink Painting and Calligraphy Institute. Art consultant of the Chinese People's Art Network, expert of the National Policy Think Tank Expert Committee of the China Industrial Cooperation Association, deputy secretary-general of the New Literature and Art Group Painting and Calligraphy Working Committee of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association, and special painter; Editorial Board of New Literature and Art magazine; Director and visiting professor of national architecture institute of china Painting and Calligraphy Professional Committee; Director of China couplets society; Painting and calligraphy expert and deputy secretary-general of calligraphy art research institute of China couplets society; Vice President of Hua Gang Painting and Calligraphy Culture Research Institute; Director and artistic director of China Internet Alliance and deputy editor-in-chief; Director of outreach department of international celebrity encyclopedia; Confucius Art Museum signed an artist; Collect the academic directors and invited artists of national digital TV channels. Director of Oriental Lanting Poetry Society, Vice-Chairman of Oriental Poets Association, Vice-Chairman of Oriental Collectors Association, Vice-Chairman of Oriental Civilization Communication Association, and concurrently a member of the Management Committee of the General Assembly. He was employed as artistic director of Sotheby's Art Development Center in Kaifeng.




Painting and calligraphy works are included in Selected Works of Chinese Fine Arts, calligraphy works are included in Dictionary of World Artists, Selected 40 Painting and Calligraphy Works in the New Era 40 Years, Collection of Chinese Artists, Collection of Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Works, Selected Excellent Calligraphy Works of Lianmo, 70 Years of Chinese Fine Arts, New China Fine Arts Picture Book and Yearbook of World Famous Chinese Art Collection published by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Calligraphy works have won many awards in national competitions. In 2017, he was named as a calligrapher with good brand influence in China and a proud figure of the year in China. In 2018, he was awarded as a meritorious artist and people's artist in the 40 years of reform and opening-up, and was one of the top ten calligraphy masters in Huaxia Brand 2019 New Year Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. In 2019, he was named as "Artistic Meritorious Person", "Excellent Talent of China-Dalian Art and Mexico" and "Master in People's Heart". Won the title of "Focus on the Innovative Figures of International Painting and Calligraphy Art in 2020", entered into the national master database of painting and calligraphy, and put calligraphy works into national treasure archives. In 2020, he won the honorary title of people's artist recommended by the National People's Congress. Many works are listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange.







Famous reviews:

Strong writing skills, strong writing skills, great weather songs, a famous calligrapher, Chen Jianxin All books are not the pinnacle, but specialization is an accomplishment. Every calligrapher has his own extraordinary attainments, so when people mention the calligrapher Wang Xizhi, they will naturally be interested in his running script. If Ou Yangxun is naturally the authentic regular script, then Huai Su is a wild and unrestrained grass. Calligraphers should cultivate one's best skills, so that they can become powerful calligraphers. Mr. Chen Jianxin, a famous contemporary calligrapher, is not satisfied with the attainments of repairing all the books. After he has mastered the true tactics of all kinds of forms, he devoted himself to the spring and autumn tempering of running script. Taking the lyrical style of the second king's Fatie as his teacher, he created his own tempering system of exquisite running script, and made his calligraphy have its own strength style. His running script creation has a distinct artistic charm, and it uses a pen to exert great strength, but it is not my strength. Instead, it is a skillful force, which changes according to the skill and activates according to the skill. The power of running a pen is transformed into a pen and ink that is graceful and vivid, and its bones and muscles are vigorous and elegant. Calligraphy has completely broken away from the rigid and rigid craftsmanship, and has moved towards a free and easy state of chasing the wind and chasing the clouds to make it turn from itself. When you press the casing, you always jump. The vivid sense of rhythm makes his brushwork walk like a stepping song. In one go, he has the dynamic beauty of nine days of dragon and phoenix dance, which is wonderful in nature! His calligraphy takes movement as beauty and changes the spirit, so it won't appear rigid, and it won't be dull. The lyrical style of letting go of writing heart is just the nature of Wang Xizhi's seventeen posts and Mi Fei's Shu Sutie. Drive the pen with the heart and note the ink with the emotion. Calligraphy is like giving a poem or filling a word, which is neither the rough clothes of Jianghu calligraphy nor the artificial decoration of exhibition body. This experience of writing my heart's pen and ink is exactly the literary connotation of books as human beings. The scroll breath of literati calligraphy comes to me, which is pleasing to the eye and tempting, and the legal evidence is authentic. Therefore, his calligraphy is a model for contemporary calligraphy to return to traditional Jin Yun and Song Yi. If calligraphy is only bookish, it will inevitably appear soft and charming, and the spirit of making bones with an iron pen should be melted into the bookish, so that calligraphy can reproduce the bearing of killing paper by volley and killing eagles by rabbits in the bookish charm. It's obvious that Chen Jianxin's cursive works are the expressive force of making great efforts to build up bones and muscles. Writing is quick, with front on all sides, and turning is clear. Turning into a mellow style, folding into a sturdy hairpin, free and easy without losing perseverance, is precisely the eagerness of running script to express the prosperous image, which makes his calligraphy can unify the spirit of contemporary culture. Books are not only chivalrous, but also national in this era! This is the cultural responsibility that the artist's pen and ink initiative and the thoughts of the times are glued together! Writing bones and muscles with strong pen strength is in the era of meteorological songs. His calligraphy works are made into stamp products for distribution, and he has the character resources of national cultural business cards! Calligraphy is not a narrow self-entertainment for young literati, but a grand view in the age of Fu Song. In one go, it is the spirit of pitching Gan Kun. Build bones with stele study, stick students' rhyme, and have a double rest with stele, which is of course a great achievement in calligraphy! Famous painting and calligraphy critic Tian Jixue December 30, 2019






Frontal fiber contact and tortuous steel hook, achieving the combination of rigidity and softness-Chen Jianxin

It's not very difficult to watch calligraphy writing fly, because it's natural to fly after being proficient through continuous practice, which is called "smooth writing" in calligraphy terminology. However, it is more difficult to write like the calligrapher Mr. Chen Jianxin's calligraphy, which is flying and dignified, and has the momentum of twists and turns like steel hooks. This requires more shaping power and control wisdom in brushwork, Mo Yun, structure and composition, which can not be achieved only by being skillful. Teaching method by teachers is an important way to inherit traditional calligraphy techniques. This way is clearly stated in Huai Su's biography, saying that Huai Su practiced calligraphy for a long time, and suddenly realized one day: if the law is not taught by a teacher, it will not come out of the house. Jin Wubing Cao Wutong was the teacher. After having a teacher, I learned the style of dead trees in Lingdong from the teacher, which laid a directional foundation for his iron painting and silver hook. This is the importance of teaching the law by teachers. First, I can lay the foundation; second, I can find the direction. Mr. Chen Jianxin's calligraphy study is also a process in which law is taught by teachers. From his artistic experience, Mr. Understanding is also a young man who has inherited family precepts, is gifted and intelligent, and loves painting and calligraphy since childhood. While studying in university, he was appreciated by the famous contemporary calligrapher Ma Shixiao and accepted as a big disciple. After oral instruction and careful guidance, he received systematic writing training. Studying famous inscriptions of past dynasties has become a high starting point for his achievements in the field of calligraphy. After nearly 40 years of painstaking research, unremitting efforts. Proficient in all kinds of calligraphy styles of Zhen, Cao, Li and Seal, and good at running script, it can be said that Mr. Chen Jianxin gradually formed his own unique style on the basis of inheriting tradition. Mr. Chen Jianxin's calligraphy has not only the testimonies given by his teachers, but also the spirituality of since the enlightenment. The master is enlightened by you, and he is excellent in calligraphy. Of course, he can be a master of all kinds of calligraphy styles of the true Cao Li seal script. However, Chen Jianxin's cultivation of calligraphy form has a very clear and rational thinking, which can be roughly in common with the ideas in the Tao Te Ching, that is, "to spread knowledge without knowing it, but to know without spreading knowledge". Dialectically look at the relationship between calligraphy and knowledge, and realize that calligraphy is expensive and has the value orientation of specialization and perfection. Therefore, in the follow-up calligraphy honing, we devote ourselves to the classification and extraction of running script, and become an expert at running script in contemporary calligraphy circles! The system of "Two Kings" can't be bypassed when practicing running script, which is related to the question of whether calligraphy is authentic or not. Mr. Chen Jianxin's calligraphy should have the heart to pursue the achievements of his calligraphy, such as Lanting Preface, Bo Yuan Post, and Quick Snow Clear Post. Therefore, in his calligraphy, it is the smooth feeling of matchmaking, letting go of writing the heart, being expensive, and having the scroll breath of literati calligraphy. If Mr. Chen's running script is honed, it will stop at the cultivation of a wonderful posture, which is no simple achievement. But the endless persistence of the book still gives him the momentum and kinetic energy to stand on his own feet! I learned Jin Yun and studied Song Yi. It can be found that his calligraphy has the shadow of Mi Fei Shu Sutie's pen and ink, and there is also the momentum of Yan Shan Ming's brush calligraphy, which is like a steel hook. This is the evidence that his calligraphy is rich in charm from Jin Yun, and it has the momentum to intervene in the calligraphy of Song Dynasty. Of course, Mr. Chen Jianxin's running script, in the process of pursuing the combination of rigidity and softness, not only combines the natural nature of Wang Xizhi's brushwork with the stirring of Mi Fei's calligraphy, but also has a distinctive option, that is, it has the intention and practice of introducing monuments into running script. It is known to all that Li Zhimin, who let the character of stele study enter cursive script, has made outstanding achievements. There are not many scholars exploring the inscription of stele bones in running script. After searching, it is found that other calligraphers of this type are not easy to find, except Mr. Chen Jianxin's works as evidence for judgment. Can we say that Li Zhimin was a pioneer in introducing monuments into the grass, while Chen Jianxin made explorations in introducing monuments into the industry? It can be said that, at least from the current situation, Mr. Chen Jianxin is a pioneer in the way of introducing tablets into the industry, and his achievements are also very outstanding. It is natural to watch his calligraphy because of the combination of inscriptions, charm and momentum. Mr. Chen Jianxin's running script is elegant, handsome and dignified, with both rigidity and softness. Harmony between rigidity and softness is the core gene of traditional culture. Both Taoism and Confucian Buddhists have a consensus on harmony between rigidity and softness, so it is a cultural expression to write harmony between rigidity and softness in calligraphy. The combination of rigidity and softness in calligraphy is simple to say, but it is not easy to do. Some people claim that calligraphy combines rigidity with softness, but when they really go to see it, it is not the reality of combining rigidity with softness, or they tend to feel soft and charming. Or partial to just is the result of rough. This shows that it is difficult to grasp the result of combining rigidity with softness. Mr. Chen Jianxin has mastered it, and his calligraphy has evolved into a book way. The rigidity and softness are well balanced, and the result of "seeking the middle" can get full marks. Front-fiber exchanges, the ribbon is soft, the push is effective, and the zigzag steel hook is just! The heart has a good way, and the calligraphy that falls on the end of the pen is always better than the natural one. Combination of rigidity and softness, true and not empty, freehand brushwork in culture, and books are like people! Director of Confucius Art Museum: Jiang Jiliang








